Ken Zhou

Ken Zhou is the CEO of Seller Interactive, a digital marketing agency focusing on Amazon and Ecommerce. With nearly a decade of experience in managing high-performance teams, Ken brings a unique combination of strategic vision, business acumen, and hands-on leadership. He has a proven ability to streamline processes, optimize resources, and drive growth, resulting in increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and outstanding business outcomes. Ken is a graduate of McMaster University and holds a Computer Programmer Diploma from Seneca College. He is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Fun fact: Ken is an avid car enthusiast and enjoys following the UFC. LinkedIn
The End of an Era: How to Close Your Amazon Seller Account

Sometimes in life, things just aren't meant to be. Unfortunately, this also applies to selling on the Amazon marketplace. For several reasons, you want to close your Amazon seller account. Maybe you're not making enough sales or finding the competition too intense?

Whatever the reason, it's critical to understand how to close your Amazon business account properly to avoid future complications.

Closing your seller account can be daunting, but it's not as difficult as you think. In this post, let's go over why you should close your seller account, what you need to remember before making this decision, the step by step process, and what happens after you close it.

Ready to close this chapter of your e-commerce journey and end your era of being an Amazon seller? Read on!

Close your Amazon account or not

Should You Close Your Amazon Seller Account or Leave It Unattended?

Throughout your stay on the Amazon marketplace, you'll encounter a lot of ups and downs in your Amazon business. You can have great sales in one month, only to see a drastic drop the next. Or, you can suddenly find yourself overwhelmed with customer complaints and other problems in the business.

While it can be tempting to abandon your Amazon Seller Central account when things get tough, it is worth contemplating whether you should close your account instead. 

Why should you consider closing your Amazon seller account?

It can be easier to close your Amazon seller account when you don't want to burden yourself with the difficulties you currently face on the platform. Choosing this route has its own set of advantages, such as:

  • It's a surefire way to stop the bleeding. If you're losing money on every sale or getting too many negative reviews, shutting down your account is probably the best action.
  • It allows you to step back and reevaluate your business strategy. You could use this time to analyze what went wrong and improve your business. Look for a different market or spend more time developing a more profitable marketing strategy.

Why should you not leave your Amazon account unattended?

Even if you're having trouble selling on Amazon, leaving your seller account unattended is still NOT the best practice. Here's why an Amazon closed seller account is better than an open but unattended account:

  • An unattended Amazon seller account can quickly become overrun with negative feedback and bad reviews, damaging your reputation and making it difficult for you if you're planning on selling again.
  • Your account can suffer from an Amazon account suspension if you violate their terms of service, which is more likely to happen if you're not regularly monitoring your account. So if you cannot give your Amazon seller account the attention it deserves, it's better to close it down rather than let it languish.

4 Common Reasons Why Amazon Sellers Close Their Accounts

In addition to the pros of closing your seller account, there are also four common reasons sellers want to delete their Amazon accounts, which you might relate to:

They are not making enough sales.

Some sellers started selling on Amazon because it is one of the biggest online marketplaces worldwide, with almost 2 billion site visitors monthly. With that staggering number of potential customers, they imagine themselves selling many items in a short time.

But these sellers eventually realize that achieving success in Amazon is not easy without exerting hard work and maximizing available resources and strategies. If you don’t have enough time and money to boost your sales like other sellers, you might feel that you need to close your account, too.

They are frustrated with Amazon’s fees and policies.

Amazon added a 5% fuel and inflation surcharge for sellers just recently. This is on top of other fees that Amazon sellers have to pay, such as referral fees, monthly subscription fees for professional sellers, and per-item fees for individual sellers.

If you are an FBA seller, you also have to pay for the fulfillment, monthly inventory storage, long-term storage, and disposal order fees, which can be extremely costly, especially if you’re just starting out. 

Besides these overwhelming fees, Amazon sellers also feel frustrated about the marketplace policies that do not seem favorable to them. These include the returnless refunds and Buy Box systems, contributing to low sales and losses.

They cannot catch up with the tight competition from other Amazon sellers.

While competition is inevitable in any kind of business, the ones present on Amazon can bring drastic effects to their business if not handled strategically. Besides official resellers, they compete with hijackers and counterfeiters who take away the Buy Box.

As a result, some sellers feel overwhelmed and cannot catch up with the competition, triggering them to search for “how to delete my Amazon seller account.” 

They have been suspended or banned.

Amazon suspends third-party sellers’ accounts who commit marketplace violations, like using black hat tricks. Due to this, they cannot sell their products or communicate with their buyers until their accounts are reinstated.

Some sellers choose to delete their accounts and leave Amazon or make a new one to avoid losing any more profit. However, it’s recommended that you do not create a new account because it can get you banned permanently.

It's best to close your account if you cannot maintain it regularly to avoid these problems. By doing so, you'll be able to protect your reputation as a seller and ensure that everything is in a good place when you decide to return to the platform.

Must dos before you close your Amazon account

Preparation Before Shutting Down Your Amazon Seller Account: 8 Things To Remember

If you've been asking yourself questions like "Can I close my Amazon seller account?" the answer is definitely yes, you can. If you plan to do just that, whether you're moving on to other interests or just ready for any change, there are a few things to remember before you take the plunge. Here are some of them:

1. Cancel any active subscriptions or services associated with your account.

It includes subscriptions like your selling plan and Amazon FBA. By ensuring that you're not subscribed to any of these anymore, you're guaranteed that you won't be charged Amazon fees for the succeeding times after you close your account.

2. Remove any outstanding orders and issue refunds to buyers.

If you have any customers still waiting for their products, be sure to refund their money and apologize for the inconvenience. It will help ensure you end your selling career in the marketplace on good terms with your customers.

3. Contact every party involved in your business.

Reach out to your inventory suppliers or seller account manager, and let them know you're closing your account. You don't want to leave them in the dark about what's happening. This way, you ensure that you end your partnership on a good note so that when you want to sell again in the future, you can always go back to them. 

4. Delete any sensitive Amazon account info.

Deleting confidential information on your Amazon account will help you gain control over what is displayed publicly. You don't want anyone to be able to access your personal data after you close your account. 

5. Save or export your account data.

Get a copy of your account data, including your order history, product listings, feedback, and buyer contact information. You can export this data from your Amazon Seller Central account. A backup is crucial since you could need it in the future.

6. Request a final payment from Amazon.

Ensures you'll receive any money you're owed from sales made on the Amazon marketplace. 

7. Give yourself enough time to finish the process so you don't forget anything. 

8. Take your time to consider your experience as an Amazon vendor.

What progressed? What could have gone more smoothly? What would you change if you could? This evaluation will help you find the good and bad points of your selling experience on Amazon, so you can improve the next time you decide to sell online. 

You can ensure a smooth transition as you close this chapter of your e-commerce business journey by doing everything necessary before shutting down your seller account.

How to Close Amazon Seller Account in 7 Steps

So, now you've finally decided to close your seller account. Whether you're moving on to greener pastures or taking a break from being an Amazon vendor, we're here to help you through the process. Here are the steps you'll need to take:

Step 1: Go to "Close Your Amazon Account."

Step 2:  Log into your Amazon seller account. If you have multiple accounts or use a shared computer instead of an individual account, ensure you're signing in to the right one before proceeding.

Step 3: Select the products and services associated with the account you want to delete.

Step 4: You will come across a prompt that asks you to select a reason for closing the account in the drop down menu provided. 

Step 5: You will receive a link through email or text message to confirm the action. Click on the Confirm Account Closure link to proceed with deleting your account.

Step 6: Amazon will send you an email confirming the closure and letting you know when it will take effect. Or an email explaining why your account cannot be closed right now and what needs to be done to close your account successfully.

Step 7: Once it takes effect, double-check to see if the process was successful by attempting to log in to Amazon again. If you can't log back in, it means your account is already wiped out from their system. 

What Happens After Deleting Your Amazon Seller Central Account

After knowing the answer to the question, “How to delete my Amazon business account?” you might still want to know some consequences you will experience afterward. This section will enumerate and explain what happens after deleting your Amazon seller account.

You will lose access to all your data.

Once you choose permanent account closure, you will no longer have access to your past sales records, previous buyers' information and data, and the contents of your product listings.

You will lose the ability to communicate with Amazon buyers.

Amazon advises its sellers to finish all their pending issues before closing their accounts because, after that, you cannot communicate with your buyers to process their returns and refunds anymore.

You cannot sell on Amazon and use other eligible accounts.

After closing your account, you can no longer sell on Amazon. And upon closing your Amazon Seller US account, your Canada and Mexico accounts and North America Unified account will be shut down as well.

You have to start over.

Besides the lack of access to your previous account, you will also lose seller feedback and product reviews. If you plan to sell on Amazon again, generate new reviews and create new optimized listings to rank on the SERPs and gain customers again.

Can I Still Reopen My Closed Account? 

No. Once you close an Amazon seller account, neither Amazon nor the seller can reopen it. 

Amazon sellers who have had their accounts deleted may wonder if it's possible to reopen them. But according to Amazon's policy, there is no guarantee that seller support will reopen a closed account. 

That's why a seller must ensure to delete the information in their account settings, like personal information, especially their current bank account details. If you want to begin another selling journey, you may need to create a new account with a different email address. 

Final Thoughts 

Closing your Amazon seller account can be tricky if you don't know where to start, so we put together this guide on closing an Amazon seller account. A lot goes into making this decision, from weighing the pros and cons to figuring out what should be done to avoid encountering problems moving forward.

Whatever the case, closing your seller account allows you to start fresh. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of selling on Amazon, don't give up altogether. Instead, consider closing your account and take some time to think. You could be back in business and more successful than ever with a little effort!

Most importantly, we commend you for making this decision. It must've been tough, but it's for the best! Whatever path you choose, we want to ensure you have all the seller support and information you need to make a wise decision. So book a call with us today, and our team of Amazon experts can guide you on this new journey!

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Boost Seasonal Sales on Amazon With An Amazon Marketing Agency

The holiday season is fast approaching. Whether you have been selling on the Amazon marketplace for so long or not, you know how hectic the last quarter of the year can be for business owners. In times like this, the primary goal of every seller is to boost seasonal sales on Amazon.

This is when people purchase Christmas presents for themselves and their loved ones. But besides holiday gifts, shoppers often take advantage of great deals on various shopping events to buy other items.

While it’s possible for you to market your products on your own, you must step up your game by hiring marketing professionals. They can help you skyrocket your sales in the vast and competitive market. This article tackles the benefits of working with an Amazon marketing services agency during the holiday season.

What to Expect During the Holiday Shopping Season on Amazon

If customers are too eager to look for deals and purchase items on Amazon, the sellers might have mixed feelings about the holiday season. After all, selling on this platform isn’t always rainbows and butterflies, especially during the busiest shopping season.

But it’s still not enough for you to stop trying or not exert more effort to boost sales this holiday season. Here are some things you can look forward to during the holiday season on Amazon so that you can set your marketing strategies in place:

  1. You Can See a Boost in Traffic

In preparation for the Christmas season, many customers shop online and leverage all the sales they can find, especially during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As an Amazon seller, you might feel complacent that your brand will see a boost in traffic even without trying hard because of the hype.

Still, you must keep developing marketing strategies within and outside of Amazon. This ensures that you direct more holiday shoppers to your store. Some buyers might still shop even after these events, so you should continue to promote your products on different platforms.

  1. Customers are Looking for the Best Deals

Holiday season or not, customers are always looking for bargains. But because they will order more items during special occasions, they are most likely drawn to brands offering substantial discounts and free shipping.

So before the holiday season, you must plan your promotional discounts and ensure you can provide them with fast and free shipping services. Also, don’t forget to announce your irresistible offers on your social media platforms. 

You can create videos on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram to advertise your offers. Ensure your content is optimized for mobile users, as consumers nowadays use mobile devices for searching and shopping. 

  1. Competition Within the Marketplace is Fiercer

Since you are not the only seller who wants to capitalize on the holiday rush to attract customers and boost sales, expect tougher competition within the Amazon marketplace. They are also most likely to avail themselves of digital marketing services. These agencies will help them devise strategies to create more hype around their products.

And when there’s hype on products, those Amazon sellers can easily boost their holiday sales on the platform. To stay on par or ahead of your competition, consider setting your prices lower than those of other Amazon sellers. You can also use holiday keywords to boost the visibility of your product listings.

But if you need advice on pricing and other marketing strategies, look for a reliable company offering various digital marketing services, including pay-per-click advertising and content marketing.

How Can an Amazon Digital Marketing Agency Boost Your Sales on Holiday Season

Some Amazon sellers opt to market their products without any outside help because they don’t have enough budget. Or, they think they can increase sales on their Amazon store and have more impact without hiring a professional marketer.

But you must understand that they are more than capable of delivering the best results for your business. Below are the ways an Amazon advertising specialist can help increase your holiday sales:

  1. They Can Set up and Manage Multiple Marketing Platforms

Nowadays, businesses don’t settle with only one online marketing platform. Instead, they diversify their marketing efforts on various platforms like email and social media. So, even though Amazon sellers can greatly benefit from using Amazon Sponsored Ads, it is not enough to drive non-Amazon shoppers.

Consider hiring a marketing expert or account manager who can set up and manage multiple marketing platforms, especially during the holidays. They will be truly helpful if you do not have the time to create multiple accounts or post content regularly.

  1. They Offer a Wealth of Knowledge About Effective Marketing Strategies

Besides helping you manage your social media accounts or other marketing efforts, an advertising agency can also provide you with helpful techniques to promote your products. Because they have prior experience working with other business owners or Amazon sellers, they know several effective strategies that can lead to more sales during the holiday season.

  1. They Can Assess Where Your Business Needs Improvement

Marketing experts are capable of performing diagnostics for your Amazon business. As a business owner, you might be focused solely on fulfilling your orders and overlook tracking your progress. Marketing agencies can do this in your stead; they read crucial performance metrics to determine the areas of your business that need improvement, especially in marketing.

For example, they can conduct A/B or split testing before rolling out your final strategies, which will be beneficial during the holiday season.

a business meeting of five people illustrating an amazon marketing agency discussing how to boost seasonal sales amazon
  1. They Create Tailor-Fit Marketing Strategies and Content

Once they have identified the weak areas of your marketing efforts, they can promptly develop strategies and create content that suits your brand story and products. This way, your budget and efforts dedicated to content creation and plan execution will not be wasted, especially during a crucial season like the holidays.

For example, your target customers are fur parents who might be interested in buying pet accessories. Marketers can generate excitement around your eco-products using a good Amazon SEO strategy and boost your Amazon holiday sales. 

Or, if you are an eco-friendly brand, they can utilize green marketing and tailor-fit your content to highlight your brand ethics. 

How Can Amazon Sellers Find a Reliable Marketing Agency for Their Ecommerce Business?

If you are convinced your business needs an Amazon marketing company during the holiday season and beyond, you must be careful in choosing who to work with. There are several considerations to ensure you get the most out of your investment in them.

Among the best Amazon marketing agencies you can find online, how do you determine the most suitable one for your business? Here are some tips you should consider while looking for a reliable advertising agency.

  1. Do Your Research

Not all agencies have the same fields of expertise. For example, some specialize in certain industries or marketing channels, while others may have more experience working with businesses of your size. So, it’s important to research first and find an agency that understands your industry and target market.

  1. Ask For Recommendations

Sometimes, asking for someone’s suggestions is necessary, especially if you are a new Amazon seller. Consider asking experienced sellers on Amazon Seller Forums or other business owners you personally know. But take their recommendations with caution, too, and check if these agencies suit your goals and standards.

  1. Check Their Portfolio and Case Studies

Once you’ve narrowed your options, look at each agency’s portfolio and case studies. This way, you can see what type of work they’ve done in the past. This will give you a good sense of their sales and marketing capabilities and whether they fit your business well.

  1. Establish Your Goals

Take some time to think about what you want your business to achieve during this year’s holiday season. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Or drive more traffic to your product listings? Reach new Amazon sales records?

Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can narrow your search and focus on the right Amazon marketing company for your business. Informing them ahead of your goals will also allow them to tailor-fit all strategies, plans, and campaigns accordingly.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations

Before working on any marketing campaign, ensure they are achievable within your timeline. If you expect overnight results, you’ll likely be disappointed and think things didn’t go your way. So, you must work with your agency to set realistic goals and timelines to measure success accurately.


While you can promote your products independently, hiring marketing experts is still the best move for your business, especially during the holiday shopping season. Because you will face tough competition, boosted traffic, and picky customers, you must work with professional marketers to increase sales volume.

But before signing up with any agency, you need to research, ask for recommendations, check their portfolio, establish your goals, and set realistic expectations toward them. 

Boost Seasonal Sales on Amazon With Seller Interactive!

Are you ready to entrust your holiday season marketing efforts and other crucial tasks to a reliable agency?
Well, you don’t have to look that far. Seller Interactive offers various services that benefit Amazon sellers, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PPC services.

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The Best Products To Sell on Amazon FBA That's in Demand Right Now

Being in the forefront is what it means to be "trendy." It's about having your eyes on the pulse of what's popular and spotting the best products to sell on Amazon FBA before they hit mainstream. 

As an Amazon FBA seller, you should regularly add the newest and most profitable products to your inventory. In addition, it's important to be informed about the current trends so that you can benefit from consumer demand by selling high-demand items. But, with so many new products being created daily, staying up-to-date with what's popular is difficult.

In this post, we will share some of the top products that can benefit you as an Amazon seller in the coming year. So, ready your best product research tool and continue reading if you're looking for fresh product ideas to add to your Amazon seller account!

What Are the Best Products to Sell on Amazon FBA?

It should come as no surprise that staying on top of the newest trends in the Amazon marketplace can be challenging. With new and profitable product categories, each having different styles, colors, and designs, it can be difficult to know what's "in" and "out."

As for every Amazon FBA seller, the key to success is identifying the best selling products and then making sure you have them in stock. So, let us help you examine your storage using this list.

You can use this as a guide to see which items are fit for your Amazon listing optimization efforts, then price your products accordingly. Read on to know more!

Toys and Games

Toys and games are part of our list of best selling products in 2023 for several reasons. First and foremost, there's a change in how people spend their leisure time post-lockdown.

People have gotten used to spending more time indoors and are looking for ways to keep themselves and their families entertained. As a result, there has been a surge in demand for toys and games that can be enjoyed at home. Products such as board games, puzzles, and electronic toys are some of the high selling categories you want to look into.

Moreover, with the rise of ecommerce and online shopping, it has become easier to purchase toys and games from the comfort of one's own home. Online retailers now have the ability to offer a wide range of toys and games and command favorable prices in exchange for providing consumers with convenience.

Self-Care and Wellness Products

Nowadays, customers are eager to spend money on products that encourage self-care as they become more mindful of their health and well-being post-pandemic, and so many sellers are willing to bank on this trend.

The ideal self-care items for women might offer a variety of advantages in one product, such as the ability to make women appear younger, feel better, and even support weight loss. Numerous skin care products are available for men and women, including unique lotions, creams, and other facial items created specifically for men. These are the potential niches an Amazon seller should get into.

Sustainable Products

Customers, especially the younger generation, lean towards buying sustainable items because they are concerned for Mother Earth. They want to feel like you are on their side, supporting their advocacy. As a seller, you want to be dependable over the long term to gain consumers’  trust, and stocking of sustainable goods enables you to accomplish that.

Additionally, sustainable products are advantageous for both businesses and the environment. If you invest in sustainable Amazon products, you'll discover that it will hold its value much better.

Top shot, upper portion: Yellow dumbells, sky blue training shoes, yellow tape measure, and a drinking container with a black cover. 

Health and Fitness Products

Almost everyone is concerned for their health, and people are looking for solutions to lead healthier lifestyles in more significant numbers as they become more aware of their health and well-being. Capitalize on this by offering them health and fitness items on Amazon FBA.

Although this is a niche market, the products you can offer are still broad. Focus on items like fitness watches, gym gear, and nutritious snack foods.

Fitness gadgets and equipment can be easy to source or produce, so you have the option to get the products from suppliers and resell them for a profit, or you can find a manufacturer and create private label products under your own brand. No matter what you choose, selling fitness products will be a win for you and your customers in terms of growth.


The key to success in selling any Amazon FBA product is to meet people's needs. And we know that technology is the backbone of the modern world because it allows individuals to remain updated, entertained, and interact with people worldwide.

Technology is a best seller to consumers who want access to everything. Moreover, technology is fascinating since there is constantly something new, ground-breaking, and extreme happening in this field. Therefore, you'll always have new goods to market.

Pet Supplies

Pet supplies have been one of the in-demand products in recent years due to the increase in pet ownership. This trend is expected to continue, as more and more people are adopting pets as a source of companionship and emotional support.

As a result, the pet industry has seen a surge in demand for pet supplies such as food, toys, beds, grooming products, and other accessories.

Moreover, the trend towards premiumization of pet products has also contributed to the high demand for pet supplies. Pet owners are increasingly willing to pay more for high-quality products that are tailored to their pets' specific needs and preferences. This has led to the emergence of other trending products for pets, such as organic and natural pet foods, smart pet toys, and eco-friendly pet accessories.

Home Office Furniture

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the way people work, with a significant shift towards remote work. Post-lockdown, people have retained remote work arrangements, so home office furniture is still on the uptrend for now. Try doing product research on Amazon or check Google trends, and you'll see evidence of demand for this product category.

Many people look to create a comfortable and functional workspace in their homes, and the home office furniture industry has responded to this demand by offering a wide range of products. Some examples are ergonomic chairs, adjustable desks, and storage solutions designed to help people work from home more efficiently and comfortably.

As remote work continues to be popular, the demand for home office furniture is expected to remain high, with many people choosing to invest in quality pieces that can enhance their productivity and overall well-being.

Photography Equipment and Accessories

Photography products are in high demand due to a combination of factors. First, the world has opened up, and people are enjoying outside activities such as concerts, parties, and outdoor adventures. This has led to a surge in demand for cameras and photography equipment as people look to capture and preserve these memories.

Second, the rise of social media has made photography an even more integral part of our lives. With platforms such as Instagram and TikTok becoming increasingly popular, people are not just taking photos for themselves but also for their online presence.

The pressure to create high-quality content has led to a growing demand for photography equipment to help people stand out on social media. As a result, cameras, lenses, and other photography accessories are increasingly in demand as people seek to improve the quality of their online content.

How To Choose The Right Product To Sell?

After browsing the list of in-demand products to sell, you may be overwhelmed and the decision-making process may be difficult—especially as these are all great products. But don't worry, here's a quick breakdown of the things you should consider in choosing the right product to sell.

Brand Trustworthiness

Brand trustworthiness is the most important factor in selling on any platform. People are willing to buy from a business they trust. This is also one of the main reasons people recommend a company to others.

Research has shown that consumers are likely to buy from brands they trust. So therefore, this is the thing you must ensure when purchasing a product from your supplier. Make sure that other companies and sellers trust them because that's how you can know that everything is good at their end. Consumers will be more likely to believe your brand when they see someone trusted by many as your product manufacturer.

Government Policies

Government policies revolving around selling a product should also be one of your decision-making factors. It's important to sell legally and socially acceptable products in the countries you're selling to. These products must also not fall into Amazon's prohibited categories. If everything checks out, you must ensure that you are buying from a legitimate source and that the products you are buying are not counterfeit. 

Investment Fund

Your decisions must be cost-effective when you're running an online business. Of course, purchasing a single item and putting it up for sale seems like a cost-effective move. However, investing in bulk order products and housing them in an outsourced warehouse is a better strategy, especially if you're expecting a high demand for the products. It’ll be like buying an investment fund that pays off instantly. 

There are two reasons sellers should consider their budget when purchasing a product. First is that buying in bulk offers better prices than buying regularly. Second, it can help you generate a lot of cash flow, which you can use to build your business and buy additional goods for your Amazon sales.

Accessibility and Availability of Raw Materials

In manufacturing your own products, sourcing is discovering and obtaining raw materials to make it. These basic materials may be developed as an individual product or as a component of a more advanced product. Therefore, you must research the availability of the raw materials when looking for a product to make and sell. 

If you can't frequently secure the amounts of raw ingredients required to make the product, your Amazon sales could drop. As a result, your reputation as an Amazon seller and your FBA business can suffer. However, your production will go more smoothly if you have a reliable and accessible raw material provider and advisor.

Five wooden cubes with a checked box drawn on their front are lined up in a single row; a hand pinches the fourth box from the left. 

Sourcing a Manufacturer for Your Chosen Products? Read This First

Manufacturing costs can be quite a challenge for first-time sellers on Amazon especially if you are not hiring an Amazon FBA launch service. Because you are just starting, reducing production or manufacturing expenses may be hard; you can’t just walk up to a manufacturer and say that you will only order from them, provided they sell the products you request exclusively to your company.

Given that you do not have this kind of leverage yet, there are practical ways that you can do to reduce your expenses. In this video, Nic Co III, co-founder of Seller Interactive, shares essential pieces of advice focused on how you can leverage costs better when you have a good working relationship with your manufacturer. The advice applies to sellers on Amazon, other ecommerce sites, and even brick-and-mortar retail business as well.

With this, you must choose your manufacturers wisely regardless of whether they are stateside or overseas. The trust you build during your correspondence with them serves as one of the vital foundations of your business. Here are some essential pointers you should take note of:

  • For a new product, consult your existing manufacturer first and see if they have the product you want to sell. If you consider your existing manufacturer first, you may get the chance to negotiate a favorable price-per-unit since you have an established relationship that’s expected to grow with your business.
  • You are doing this because you want to scale. Although it is risky to put all your eggs in just one basket, you still gain an advantage from prioritizing only one manufacturer or managing one Amazon new seller account at a time.

And if you have multiple products that you get from only one manufacturer, your invoice will increase.

  • Your leverage grows the more you order from your manufacturer. Because you have already succeeded in building a good rapport with them, and you have earned their trust, you can ask for incentives like discounts, the privilege of special rates, better credit terms, and more.
  • Continue nurturing your good business relationship with your partner over the years. Show them that you value them. If you treat them respectfully and with importance, they are bound to treat you in the same way.


A significant change in consumer purchasing behavior is occurring today, maybe because of an unexpected phenomenon or an everyday change in the needs and wants of everyone. And it will create great opportunities for businesses like yours that are thinking about the best products to sell on Amazon FBA.

It's been obvious from the beginning that new types of Amazon FBA sellers pop up anytime since it caters to everyone. So, if you want to be part of this change and ensure your company stays relevant in an increasingly competitive market, launch Amazon FBA products that are unique and trendy.

To help you out, partner with Seller Interactive so you can quickly arrange your inventory with what you have in mind and anticipate that everything will go as planned.

Book a call with us if you want to push the boundaries of what these trending products can do for your business!

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How to Reactivate Amazon Seller Account (PLUS Reasons You Got Suspended)

Amazon maintains strict policies all vendors and buyers must adhere to ensure optimal platform experience. Due to its zero tolerance for rule infractions, the platform frequently suspends many Amazon seller accounts for various reasons. If you have experienced this, you may wonder how to reactivate your Amazon seller account. 

Getting your Amazon seller account deactivated can be unpleasant, especially if you've invested so much in establishing your Amazon business. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that you can successfully recover your suspended account. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try; it is still possible to reactivate your seller account.

From navigating the errors to reinstating your account, we'll discuss everything you need to know about account suspension in this article. So, keep reading!

text suspended stamped on a white paper with a pen under it

What a Suspended Amazon Seller Account Means

Amazon seller account suspension means Amazon removes your selling privileges if it has grounds to believe that you violated the platform’s rules. Account suspensions can be classified mainly into two categories: 

  • Listing suspension – occurs when a specific product listing gets suspended for a particular reason (more on the list of reasons below)
  • Account suspension – occurs when the entire seller account has been blocked or suspended, resulting in a loss of sellers’ rights on the platform. The seller will not be allowed to sell anything during this period until the problem has been addressed and the account has been reinstated. 

The major drawback of an Amazon account suspension is that all the costs associated with the seller's products, such as supplier fees, storage costs, employee salaries, etc., will continue to drain your capital resources until the issue is resolved.

Reasons for Suspension

The first thing that you should do is to understand why your seller account got suspended. Many potential answers exist, so you should thoroughly review where things have gone wrong.

Most Amazon sellers work on their appeal letters for their suspended Amazon account as soon as they see it's suspended. This practice could be more efficient. They need to find out the underlying reasons for the suspension first, as this will help them craft their appeal letters.

So if you have encountered an Amazon seller account suspension, you must first try to understand what happened. Some of the common ones are seller performance and buyer complaints. Look for these signs as you conduct your investigation. 

In some cases, Amazon sends you a suspension letter. It will contain the reasons they suspended your account. However, you have to investigate these claims and see if they are valid. Here are the possible reasons they may include in the notice:

You're Selling Prohibited Items

Once you start selling on Amazon, you agree to the company's terms and conditions. This includes understanding what products you can sell on the platform. There are a lot of items on the list of restricted products, but here are the most common ones:

  • Alcohol
  • Animals and animal-related products
  • Dietary supplements
  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Explosives, weapons, and other related items
  • Lock picks and devices that can be used for theft
  • Pesticides and pesticide-related devices
  • Plant and seed products
🔗 Check the complete list of restricted products for an extended version of what is permissible for selling on the platform.

You're Selling Counterfeit Items

Aside from prohibited items, Amazon is serious about counterfeit items. Counterfeit items are fake or imitation pieces of any product. The item categories with the most counterfeit sellers are movies, DVDs, beauty products, and electronics, among many others, usually sourced from third-party sellers with little to no positive reputation.

Even if you're not selling restricted items, as long as your products were tagged and reported as counterfeit, it can also be a reason to get Amazon account suspensions.

Check with your manufacturers or wherever you're sourcing your inventory. Amazon is strict on this rule, so you must ensure you have a trusted source for your products, as it can be a reason for losing your selling privileges.

young girl in a gray hoodie looking at the camera, standing in front of an orange background, making the thumbs down gesture with both hands

You've Received A Lot of Negative Feedback

Customer obsession is one of the pillars of Amazon's values. This means that the company is pro-customers over anything else. They often go to lengths like extending their returns policy to please buyers on the platform.

Unsurprisingly, Amazon would take their customers' negative feedback very seriously. While getting negative reviews on products is inevitable (and can even be useful), too many of them will grab Amazon's attention and potentially flag your account for suspension.

You Have Duplicate Accounts

As a big marketplace accommodating millions of sellers, Amazon strives to prevent sellers from using duplicate accounts. You should only have one Amazon Seller Central account. Otherwise, you can get a suspension notice. 

Amazon takes serious measures to ensure that every seller has just one account. This includes:  

  • Ensuring that they weren't made or accessed from the same IP address,
  • The billing details, such as the physical address and bank accounts, are different for one seller account and another 
  • Two accounts are used for two separate businesses
💡 With Amazon’s strict policies regarding seller accounts accessed from a single IP address, note that anyone within your household accessing the internet through the same wireless connection can be flagged as a potential second account.

You Opened a New Account Without Addressing the Previous One’s Issues

Some sellers want to avoid the hassle of making an Amazon seller suspension appeal letter and resort to opening a new account instead. But doing so after getting your previous seller account suspended will only lead to another suspension or rejection of your appeal.

Here’s a sample scenario of one of our clients and their issue with multiple accounts.

Still having doubts about how Amazon can identify you as the same seller? Amazon will always find a way to suspend your account. You might have attempted it before, but it is guaranteed that you will fail to thrive with a new account. 

The Solution: Submission of Appeal to Redeem Deactivated Amazon Seller Account

Amazon account reinstatement involves regaining a suspended account’s selling privileges on the platform. Suspended sellers must submit an appeal and await Amazon's response, which may take several days. If the appeal is approved, the account is reinstated, enabling sellers to resume their business operations on Amazon.

How to Reactivate Amazon Seller Account: 3 Steps for Proper Reinstatement

Here’s the three-step process to proactively reinstate your suspended Amazon account.

1. Understand Why Your Account Is Suspended

Understand why you got suspended. Most of the time, Amazon details this in the suspension letter they send you. Some reasons are selling prohibited items or counterfeit products, having a lot of negative customer feedback, and having duplicate accounts.

2. Don’t Let Emotions Get in the Way

When writing your Amazon seller suspension appeal letter, do not let negative emotions get in your way. If possible, work with an agency or someone with experience writing suspension account appeal letters for best results.

3. Write Your Appeal Letter

When writing your letter, include all the data you've gathered from your investigation. Present it in a way that conveys objectivity instead of accusing Amazon of wrongdoing. Do indicate your plans to resolve the problem and avoid the issue from recurring. 

Once you have the letter plus all documentary evidence, submit them for review. Click Reactivate Your Account in the suspension notice you received on Seller Central. A form will appear where you must provide your plan of action (POA) and contact details. The Amazon Account Health Team will then review your submission.

Write Your Plan of Action in 4 Steps

The POA is a detailed document outlining the steps you will take to address the issues that led to the suspension. It should demonstrate your understanding and willingness to solve the problem. 

According to Amazon's guidelines, your POA should address the following:

  • The root cause that led to the issue
  • The actions you will take to resolve the issue.
  • The steps that you will take to prevent the same issue from recurring.

Below is a template that can help you in drafting one.

Man typing on his MacBook


Provide a brief explanation of who you are, accurate contact information, your business seller name, what you sell on Amazon, and why your account was suspended.


Give a detailed description of the suspension issue(s), detailing how you identified the root cause and why it occurred. 

Action Plan

Even if you feel innocent, take full responsibility for the issue. Describe the actionable steps you plan on taking and actions you have already taken since the suspension period. Provide an in-depth explanation of the long-term changes you or your team members are making to prevent recurring issues.


The concluding paragraph should reiterate briefly the steps you plan on taking to resolve the issue, after which you should request politely to have your seller rights reinstated as soon as possible.

Tips to Create an Effective Letter of Appeal

Meanwhile, your appeal letter is general, conveying your remorse for any mistakes made and request for Amazon's consideration. The letter should also provide a summary of the situation. This shows that you take the situation seriously and are committed to resolving the issue.

Like your POA, you must put a lot of effort into your suspension appeal letter, as it will make or break the fate of your Amazon business. Consider the following tips when writing one.

Keep It Brief

It's perfectly understandable to want to say a lot in your appeal letter. However, it's best to keep it short and precise. You don’t need a long story to prove your case. Amazon also receives thousands of appeal letters every day. The last thing they want to read is a lengthy explanation with unnecessary rants. 

The Amazon Seller Performance team would appreciate it if you were straightforward and conveyed your points clearly and concisely. State what is only asked of you to write.

Don’t Play Defense

In some cases, you need to point out where you have been falsely accused. However, remember to present it in a way that conveys objectivity instead of accusing Amazon of wrongdoing. 

Even if you felt you were accused wrongly, you should take full responsibility for the issue. You would be better off this way, as it is the fastest way to reinstate your Amazon marketplace account.

Be Neutral

It's difficult not to write a heartfelt POA when your business is at stake. The recommended tone, however, would be to sound as objective as possible about your action plan and keep emotions aside. 

Be professional and fact-based. If you cannot fully dissociate from your emotions, hire an agency with experience writing suspension appeal letters. This way, you're sure that everything will be written professionally.

Present Facts

Ensure you have all the evidence, like correspondence, screenshots, and invoices, to justify your claims. You may also want to highlight these documents in your letter, so it will be easier for the performance team to analyze your appeal. 

How Long Does it Take to Reinstate an Amazon Account After Suspension?

The timeline for Amazon suspended accounts and reinstatement processes can vary depending on several factors. While there is no definitive answer, understanding the common scenarios can help manage your expectations and navigate the procedures effectively. Here's a quick rundown of what you will go through.

17-Day Deadline

You have 17 days to submit an appeal after receiving the notice of suspension. This includes investigating the situation and writing your plan of action.

You have over two weeks to work on these, so do everything possible. Remember that your POA is the backbone of your appeal. This will be Amazon's sole basis on whether or not you deserve an account reinstatement.

48 Hours After Submission of the Appeal

This is Amazon's official estimate of how long it will take for them to decide and notify you about your appeal. However, this is a very rare scenario because the platform deals with numerous appeals every day. 

60 Days or More

According to some sellers on Amazon's forums, some have experienced waiting for about 60 days or more before they have received Amazon's decision regarding their suspension appeals. So don’t panic if you don’t get a response in 48 hours; be patient with the whole process. 

If you did your best in crafting that letter of appeal, you have a higher chance of successful reinstatement.

A woman, sitting, hands behind her head in relief

Need Help in Reactivating Your Account? Work With Seller Interactive!

Account suspension poses a significant obstacle for Amazon merchants and sellers. If left unsolved, it can jeopardize your Amazon account. Knowing how to reinstate your account properly is essential to increase the chances of a successful appeal application. Show Amazon that you have learned from the experience and will never repeat the same mistake.

Struggling to handle account suspension and reinstatement on your own? Consider employing a virtual assistant to help you out. With Seller Interactive's Amazon suspension appeal and reinstatement service, our team will help get your account reinstated and perform an in-depth review of your account to identify issues.

Book a call today to reinstate your account and secure it from getting another suspension.

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7 Pressing Questions About an Amazon Gift Return, Answered!

Regardless of the efforts you exert for product quality checks and customer services, there will always be returns and refund requests from customers. With Amazon's desire to always put customers first, the platform has designed a simple and convenient return and refund process. But what about when the matter is all about an Amazon gift return?

If something customers bought doesn't work out or they change their mind, all they have to do is print out a prepaid return label and send the item back. But processing a gift return is different. What will the procedure be like, and what is your role as an Amazon seller?

In this article, we'll break down the process of returning an Amazon gift to give you visibility and knowledge about what your customers go through and what the effects are to sellers like you. So, keep reading!

  1. How Does an Amazon Gift Return Work?

Customers who are dissatisfied with an Amazon gift may request a refund. Here's how to go about the process per Amazon's Gift Returns policy, from choosing the gift in the drop-down menu to entering the necessary details.

an image showing the step by step of The Amazon Gift Returns Process

Amazon will then generate a return shipping label to send the gift back. And once the platform receives the returned gift, they'll process the refund and notify the customer via email. Customers should receive the refund within 7-10 days.

Customers may also contact Amazon's customer service hub if the refund takes longer than the prescribed time. 

💲 Monetary reimbursements are not allowed for gift recipient returns; however, Amazon gift cards are almost as good as money. The returned item's value will be applied to the gift receiver’s Amazon account and can be used for subsequent Amazon orders.
  1. How Long Does an Amazon Gift Return Take?

One of the best features of Amazon is how accessible returning gifts are compared to other online marketplaces. Customers could return the gift for a full refund if they had purchased it within 30 days. However, this may depend on the seller, item type, and specific policies. 

  1. Can Customers Return an Item Without a Gift Receipt?

Yes, absolutely! In most cases, a recipient may not have the receipt of the Amazon gift package. But these customers do not need to worry as that’s not what they will need to obtain returns and refunds. Instead, Amazon will ask for the order number or the email address of the person who purchased the gift. 

  • If you can't find your 17-digit reference number, contact Amazon Customer Service and give them the tracking number for your transaction. 
  • If you don't have the tracking information, the individual who sent you the gift must contact Amazon directly to make any returns.

After completing the online process, all that remains is to return the item physically. 

That said, the process may vary if the item was purchased from a third-party seller and may require the receiver a gift receipt.

⚠️ Returning numerous items at once is not recommended. This might cause complications with Amazon's return processes and infrastructures. If you want to return multiple gifts, you must process them individually.
a woman holding a timer
  1. Is There a Deadline for Returning an Amazon Gift?

Yes, there's a deadline for gift return. So when customers receive gifts they don't want, they should decide whether or not to return the gift quickly. The Amazon Return Policy states that customers are given 30 days from receipt to return gifts for a refund. 

When returning an Amazon gift, customers must also take note of the following:

  • If the item was sold by Amazon but fulfilled by a third-party seller, they must follow that seller's return policy instead of Amazon's. As a seller, buyers should see your returns policy disclosed on your product page.
  • If the customer received an Amazon Gift card as a gift, it cannot be returned for a refund. However, they can still cancel the transaction if the Gift card has not been cashed.
  • Amazon can refuse any return or exchange, such as when an item is damaged or defective. 
upset young lady
  1. Will the Amazon Gift Sender Know?

This question is the most common reason people put off returning to Amazon; they don't want the gift giver to feel bad about it being returned. But customers have nothing to worry about that aspect! 

Some situations do not require notifying the gift giver, including:

  • Returning a gift using the 17-digit order number in the packing slip or the tracking number. With this, customers may enjoy their Amazon reimbursement credit without worrying about making the owner feel bad about returning the gift.
  • The gift was purchased from a third-party seller. The refund may be issued to the gift recipient instead of the original purchaser, and they won’t be notified of the return.
  • The gift was purchased using a gift card. The refund for this type may be issued in an Amazon gift card instead of the original payment method, so the original purchaser may not be notified of the return and refund.

In some cases, the original gift purchaser gets notified of the return.

  • If the original gift purchaser initiates the return, they will be notified of the refund.
  • The receiver contacts the person who gave them the gift and lets them know they want to return it. The sender assists them in processing the request.
  1. Is Returning Used Items Allowed?

Returns must be unopened, undamaged, and in the same condition customers received them to be eligible for a full refund. One can also request a refund for things that aren't in their original or pristine condition, but Amazon is unlikely to refund the total price during the purchase.

  1. What is the Role Of Sellers in Processing Amazon Gift Returns?

You may wonder, “What’s this have to do with sellers like me?”  If Amazon sells the item, you may not play a direct role in the return process. But as you can see, you are still one with Amazon regarding making processes as easy and seamless as possible for customers. 

Sellers play a vital role in processing the return and providing support throughout the entire process if

  • they have additional rules for gift returns, or
  • a third-party seller sells the item returned.

Firstly, you must understand and adhere to Amazon's return policies and guidelines. This includes clearly understanding the return window, eligibility criteria, and any specific requirements for gift returns. Through this awareness, you can effectively communicate the guidelines to customers seeking to return a gift.

You are also responsible for promptly responding to customer inquiries, answering their questions thoroughly, and providing necessary assistance. This includes providing clear instructions on how to initiate a return, guiding customers through the process, and addressing any concerns or issues raised by customers during the return process. 

Lastly, one of your duties as an Amazon seller is to provide accurate product descriptions and fulfill orders on time. This prevents you from receiving more return and refund requests, costly penalties, account suspension, or removal from the marketplace.

Manage Returns Efficiently and Gain Better Customer Insights with Seller Interactive

Suppose you're still on the fence about how Amazon gift returns work for customers and what role you play in it. In that case, we hope that this article has helped clear up some of the confusion. Amazon has simplified the process for customers, but you still have a part to play—directly or indirectly—that can affect the efficiency of the process. If you have further clarifications, feel free to contact us here at Seller Interactive. We are a group of Amazon specialists helping sellers looking to grow their businesses. We provide wide-ranging services and continue to grow dynamically, catering to the dynamic world of Amazon and eCommerce. Book a call with us today; we're happy to help!

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Unlock the Secrets of Wholesale Success With These Amazon FBA Tips

The Amazon marketplace is a competitive and ever-changing landscape. Therefore, securing a solid foothold in this competitive market is essential for success. As an Amazon seller, it's important to always look for new opportunities, tips, and tricks to grow your business. Selling wholesale on Amazon is one option you can consider.

A well-run Amazon FBA wholesale business can be a fantastic way to make money. However, you must remember a few things if you want your business to succeed. Using the following tips, you can revolutionize your business, expand, and prosper.

What Is Amazon FBA Wholesale?

Wholesale is a business model whereby you buy products in bulk from a manufacturer or distributor at a discounted price and then sell those products on the Amazon marketplace with a higher markup. An Amazon business that uses this model is responsible for sourcing and listing the products they want to sell on Amazon.

This is where Amazon FBA, a fulfillment service that allows sellers to keep their products in Amazon warehouses, comes in handy. Aside from acting as the seller's warehouse, Amazon FBA also handles shipping and customer care on their behalf. Businesses often use this model to retain the advantage of Amazon's vast distribution network without increasing the additional overhead costs needed to manage fulfillment. 

Finally, whether or not this model suits a business is determined by its specific demands and goals. Combined, these two business models can be very profitable. When it comes to selling wholesale on Amazon FBA, there are a lot of advantages for Amazon sellers, including: 

  • Lower wholesale prices than retail prices–making potential profit margins higher; 
  • Increase sales channels by utilizing Amazon's advertising system;
  • Additional negotiation power with manufacturers since sellers who buy bulk products get better terms, such as free shipping;
  • The ability to sell your products on Amazon–giving you access to an enormous probable market;
  • Establishing customer confidence in your products and enhancing sales, given that Amazon is the world’s largest and most recognized e-commerce platform;
  • Keeping your competitive edge with Amazon's brand registry, as it eliminates any chances of competing with a private label offering the same product;
  • Saving time and money while concentrating on other facets of your business since Amazon FBA will handle the product packaging, shipping, and logistics for you; and
  • Ensuring your customers are happy and likely to purchase from you again with Amazon FBA's excellent customer service.

Despite all these, selling wholesale on Amazon FBA also has its own set of disadvantages, such as: 

  • Less control over your product listing and how your products are presented to potential customers; 
  • Tight competition with other third-party sellers offering similar products;
  • Higher initial investment as the minimum order quantities tend to be larger than retail sales, consider additional selling fees that come with FBA;
  • More complex and time-consuming than retail selling as it requires managing inventory levels and maintaining good relationships with suppliers;
  • Difficulty in branding your products since the products you are selling are not unique to your business and other third-party sellers; and
  • Inability to ensure the quality of your own products from the lack of manufacturing control.

Overall, there are many benefits to using Amazon FBA for your wholesale business, but it's not without its challenges. While selling wholesale on Amazon can be a terrific method to reach more customers, assessing the benefits and drawbacks is crucial before deciding.

Tips for Beginners

As with any business enterprise, there are a few things to remember when getting started. So here are some of the best Amazon FBA tips for those considering being wholesalers for Amazon FBA: 

Have a Clear Understanding of the Amazon Store

Familiarize yourself with the different product categories and understand the competition. You can start selling immediately as soon as you know the landscape you're selling in. So stock up on as much information as you can get your hands on to leverage Amazon’s many features.

Conduct Product Research

Researching profitable products is crucial to ramp up your product's sales. Knowing which products sell and which product category has high demand to place them in is vital to selling in the Amazon marketplace. You can also pick up some great product ideas that can improve your product line.

Sell With Volume

Selling products at lower prices isn't a joke; for it to work, it must be financially feasible. You'll need to be able to sell large quantities of products to make a profit. In doing so, it's crucial to partner with reliable suppliers who can provide you with a steady stream of inventory so you can sell products in volume.

Make Sure Your Prices Are Competitive

Selling on Amazon is a game of numbers. Many sellers opt to price high to make a quick profit, but others prefer to go low to divide the market. If you want to ensure your product sells on Amazon, you need to price competitively—not so high that you'll drive away customers and not too low that you'll be selling just to break even.

Avoid using automated pricing as it usually chooses the best selling price on the market based on an algorithm, depriving you of your business's strategy.

Have a Strong Inventory Management System

It's important to have an excellent inventory management system to avoid stockouts and ensure that orders are fulfilled promptly. Sellers that don't manage inventory often end up with their bestsellers out of stock, losing momentum in the process.

Even FBA sellers choose to consider inventory management as one of their top priorities since it's common for products to go missing in Amazon fulfillment centers.

Build Strong Relationships With Suppliers

A network is the strongest asset of an Amazon FBA seller, which is why it's important to build a solid relationship with your suppliers. You'll need their support to ensure that your products are of the highest quality and always available when you need them. 

Create Compelling Listings

Write compelling product listings that accurately reflect your products and help them stand out from the competition. Add quality images to give your customers an idea about their future purchases. Great listings are key to providing your customers with the relevant information needed to purchase the product.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

As an Amazon seller, your job doesn't end after a sale. Sometimes customers need help with returns or have inquiries regarding a particular product, which is why it's important to have great customer service.

A great customer service experience is sure to gain positive reviews, and great reviews are key to achieving even greater business. So be sure to respond promptly to any customer inquiries and complaints and take measures to ensure that all customer orders are shipped promptly and accurately.

Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Every experienced seller knows that investing in SEO is necessary for your Amazon FBA business. SEO can get you more Amazon shoppers and create awareness for your brand by putting your products at the top of search results—a must for Amazon wholesalers.

Use Amazon Advertising

The Amazon Seller app is one of the biggest advertising platforms in e-commerce, making your account one of the most effective marketing tools out there. Through your Seller Central account, you can create campaigns for sponsored products, sponsored brands, and sponsored display ads.

With some effort and planning, you can build a profitable FBA wholesale business that provides a steady income stream amid tough competition.

Criteria to Use When Choosing a Supplier

When it comes to choosing a wholesale supplier, it's vital to choose the right supplier. Here are some things to look for when choosing a wholesale supplier for your business:

Good Reputation

Ask those you know who have partnered with the wholesale supplier before. Check through the internet for online reviews and rating sites to see the product sold and what other consumers have said about the wholesale supplier. 

Competitive Prices

Both you and your supplier have the same goal in mind: making money. Compare prices from multiple sellers to see who can offer you the best deal for your business model.

Low Minimum Order Requirements

One of the keys to growing your Amazon FBA business is to get more inventory, and the most cost-effective way to do this is by creating new product lines that can turn in a profit.

However, new products cannot assure profitable gains. So look for an FBA wholesale supplier with low minimum order requirements so that you can test out different products without breaking the bank.

Fast Shipping

Look for a supplier with good customer reviews for their shipping times and ask about their shipping process to ensure they can meet your needs.


You have to consider borders, national and international, and the shipping costs they come with. Finding an FBA wholesale supplier in your vicinity can be beneficial, as this can help reduce shipping costs and times.

Customer Service

You'll likely have questions or issues during your relationship with your supplier. It's critical to pick a supplier who provides excellent customer service and is easy to reach. 


As your business grows, your needs, too, will evolve. You'll want a supplier willing to work with you through these changes. Finding a reliable business partner is important for business growth, especially as a new seller in the marketplace.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can narrow your options and choose the best supplier for your Amazon wholesale business.

How to Negotiate With Suppliers and Get the Best Prices

If you're a wholesaler on Amazon, you know that finding good suppliers who can provide you with quality products at low prices is a must. Here are a few things that you can do to increase your chances of getting the best possible deals from suppliers:

  1. Research the wholesale market for the products that you are interested in. This will help you understand the rates for these items and give you some leverage when negotiating.
  2. Develop a rapport and be clear that you're serious about doing business with them. When possible, it's also a good idea to negotiate in person. It allows you to establish rapport and demonstrate your commitment to working together. 
  3. When negotiating with suppliers, it's important to be firm but fair. Don't try to undercut them, but don't hesitate to stand your ground.
  4. Don't be scared to walk away if a supplier is unwilling to match your price demands. There are plenty of other suppliers out there who will be happy to do business with you.
  5. Keep track of all correspondence. It will give you a good record of what was discussed and agreed upon should any issues arise later.

By following these tips, you should be able to get the best possible prices from your Amazon FBA suppliers.

Final Thoughts

Selling wholesale on Amazon FBA can be an excellent method to get your products in front of a larger audience and enhance sales. However, it would be best to keep a few things in mind before you begin. 

You are now prepared to begin your wholesale journey on Amazon FBA! If you need help with your Amazon FBA wholesale venture, you can book a discovery call or call us at 1-800-820-3746.

We understand it can be difficult if you are unfamiliar with the process. Our Seller Interactive team is experienced in helping people like you get started with Amazon FBA wholesale and would happily answer any questions.

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Lost and Found: Can I Get an Amazon Lost Package Refund?

All transactions come with risks. Ordering online means that buyers are unable to examine products physically. They can do very little to check a product’s specifications. Sellers who ship the items can’t control inclement weather, unreachable addresses, and so on. Both sellers and buyers can be victims of lost packages. 

Buyers can also deal with malicious entities. With the rise of deliverable goods comes a new type of opportunistic criminal: the Porch Pirates. As their name suggests, these people steal packages left at a customer's front door. Incidents like these happen when the receiver fails to be present during attempted delivery. 

Amazon sellers can also deal with order fulfillment issues. From problems in inventory to unreliable shipping partners, there could be many instances where items become lost, damaged, or even stolen. Although these issues can be resolved by choosing efficient services, like Amazon FBA, it doesn’t mean it will stop them 100% of the time. 

In this article, you will learn what to do if a package is lost; how to process a refund or replacement (for buyers); and how to submit a claim so Amazon will reimburse your lost inventory (for sellers).

Amazon Lost Package Help

If you notice a discrepancy in inventory or you have a customer who reaches out to you due to a lost package or even possible package theft, here are some tips: 

For Your Buyers

If your buyer has reached out saying the parcel was marked delivered but is missing:

  1. Check the order details, the expected delivery or shipping date, and tracking information. Request them to check the photo proof of delivery (POD). If there is no photo, kindly remind them that, sometimes, packages are marked delivered due to some system quirks. It is best to wait 48 hours after the estimated delivery date before submitting a report.
  2. If there is a photo and the photo is not of your customer’s porch or door, it’s a case of wrong address delivery. Urge your buyers to contact Amazon customer service via their hotline and report the incident.
  3. If the photo is your client’s front door or porch but the parcel is missing, suggest that they ask well-meaning neighbors who may have kept the package safe. If that is still not the case, customers must contact local law enforcement as a stolen Amazon package is a crime.

What if your buyer hasn’t received any updates on the parcel and it was declared lost in transit? If this is the case, both you and your buyer are advised to contact Amazon customer services and report the missing package.

For Sellers

If you send your items to the Amazon warehouse but a unit has been damaged or lost you may be eligible for reimbursement.

Check with Amazon and with your Account Managers, if you have them. If your product is registered to FBA and fulfills all the requirements, it is eligible for replacement or reimbursement as Amazon accepts full responsibility for possible negligence. But you have to make sure that the item has indeed ticked all the boxes before you can file for a claim to get your money back.

Some Amazon sellers have reported that tracking numbers by some third-party logistics are incompatible with the Amazon system. The customers cannot track their orders via their Amazon accounts and must use the logistics company website instead. Since Amazon cannot track the package, they assume the order is “late” and/or “undelivered”. And the option to “request a refund” is shown to the buyers. They are then auto-refunded the amount. 

Sadly, some buyers take advantage of this, choosing an automated refund even when they already have the item. However, you can appeal an A-to-Z claim and get reimbursed for wrongful refunds.

Amazon Lost Package Replacement Request

Buyers can request a replacement from either Amazon or third-party sellers if an item is damaged or broken. If the missing package was shipped properly by a third-party seller, getting a replacement or refund is unfair. After all, sellers already created and sent the item. Amazon delivery problems are simply one of the risks involved with an online purchase, particularly on the Amazon website. However, buyers can still contact sellers to inform them of the matter, suggest a change in carrier or shipping company, or urge them to register on FBA.

If the lost package is an FBA-registered unit and Amazon is at fault, Amazon may replace the item provided the buyer submits a claim. This claim is subject to review and, if approved, can grant a refund request or replacement.

Sellers, as mentioned before, may be eligible for replacements too. If your Fulfillment by Amazon item gets damaged or lost by personnel operating in an Amazon warehouse or on behalf of Amazon, that item will be replaced, or you will be reimbursed. 

Consider hiring Amazon Account Managers to help you sort out replacement requests and reimbursements because these take some effort to file and claim.

 Items that are returned in good condition and are resellable are returned to the seller’s inventory.

Filing an Amazon Lost Package Claim With Amazon Customer Service

Inform your buyers to contact Amazon and submit lost package claims by following the steps below using the drop down menu:

  1. Go to “Your Orders”
  2. Select the Amazon order in question
  3. Click “Problem with Order”
  4. Select “Where’s My Stuff?” and add details to your claim
  5. Select the preferred contact method (email or phone)
  6. Wait for Amazon to make contact

Depending on Amazon’s decision, they may issue a refund or replacement on a seller’s behalf and charge you. And you can be ready with your counterclaim or appeal if you find the refund is unjust.

Submit Reimbursement Claims To Amazon

First you may need to verify these things to Be eligible for A-to-Z claims:

  • Your product is registered with FBA
  • Your product has complied with all guidelines and restrictions
  • Your shipping plan is accurate and matches what you sent Amazon
  • That the shipment wasn’t canceled
  • Your item is not for disposal
  • Your product is not broken or damaged
  • Your Seller Account is normal and healthy

If your Amazon account meets the following criteria, then you're eligible for Amazon's A-to-Z Guarantee.

If the problem lies with shipment to Amazon:

  1. File your claim no later than nine months after the shipment delivery.
  2. Check the reconcile tab to see the details of the discrepancy between your delivery plan and the delivery report.
  3. Check your Reimbursement reports if Amazon has already reimbursed you for the loss or damage, including shipping fees.
  4. If not, use the “Contact Us” button and provide the following information: Amazon shipment ID, proof of inventory ownership, and proof of delivery.

If the problem lies with the Amazon fulfillment center:

  1. File your claim no later than 18 months after the date of the incident in your Inventory adjustment report (when the item was reported lost or damaged).
  2. Check your Manage FBA Inventory report and verify if the product was never found or returned to your inventory.
  3. Check your Reimbursement report to see if Amazon has already reimbursed you.
  4. Only after this do you submit a claim to Amazon. Provide all necessary info like the date and location of the center. Input the transaction ID (for damaged items) or FNSKU (for lost items) to check the eligibility of your claim.

If the problem is in customer returns:

  1. File your claim no later than 18 months but no sooner than 60 days after the customer refund.
  2. Check your Manage FBA Returns report if Amazon has already refunded or replaced the item.
  3. Check your FBA customer returns report if the item was placed back in your sellable inventory.
  4. Check your Reimbursements report to see if Amazon has already reimbursed you, including shipping charges.
  5. If unsatisfied, provide customer order ID and proceed to file a claim with Amazon.

Note that if the item is not returned, Amazon will not refund the customer. If the returned item is in good condition and is sellable, it's returned to your inventory, and you won't be reimbursed. If the customer damages the item in return, Amazon will charge the customer and pay the seller instead. For more information and specifics, you are encouraged to review Amazon’s reimbursement policy as well as Amazon's return policy.

Get a reliable team of Amazon managers to help you submit claims

Need an Amazon Lost Package Refund? Let Seller Interactive Handle It

Missing products and lost inventory are unfortunate incidents that require some effort to address. Most packages, when missing, require outside authority to step in. An example of this is when porch piracy results in a stolen package. Porch pirates will take almost anything, so, it is recommended that you get an expert team that understands the different policies and can help you successfully claim your refunds and reimbursements.

With Seller Interactive’s Reimbursement and Refund Services, you can rely on a dependable team to monitor your Amazon account for product inventory issues, damaged goods, missing packages, and pending returns and refunds. Book a call here or call us at 1-800-820-3746 to claim your reimbursements now!

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To Ship or Not to Ship: Does Amazon Refund Shipping Costs?

Buyer’s remorse, technical difficulties, and simple accidents are why returns happen in the retail industry. With the boom of online selling comes the rise in returns and refunds. But returns and refunds for eCommerce are different from that of brick-and-mortar stores. For one, online selling comes with added shipping costs. 

Sometimes, the cost of return shipping far outweighs the sales loss. Nevertheless, Amazon still has its return, replacement, and refund choices available. If you are a new seller, contact customer service or consult an expert team to assist you with Amazon Refund and Reimbursement Policies.

This blog will also answer the big question, “Does Amazon refund shipping costs?” Let’s find out!

Will Amazon Refund Shipping Fees? 

Who doesn't want free return shipping? Yes, Amazon will refund shipping costs, but these can depend on various conditions. 

Fulfillment by Amazon

When you use Amazon's fulfillment service and Amazon fulfills an order, they generally take responsibility for the shipping and handling of the order. If there is an issue with the fulfillment process, such as a late delivery or damaged item, Amazon may offer a refund or compensation for the shipping fees as part of their customer service.

Self-Fulfilled Orders

For self-fulfilled orders, on the other hand, you are responsible for handling shipping and related fees. Amazon's policies for self-fulfilled orders may vary depending on the situation and any specific agreements between the seller and Amazon. In general, if a customer requests a refund for a self-fulfilled order, it typically includes the product cost, not always the shipping fees.

What Factors Affect Refund Shipping Costs?

A customer will ship the product to you or Amazon for a return, refund, or replacement unless you sign up for a returnless refund. You or Amazon will then ship a new item back for replacement requests. These steps incur additional costs, but to whose account will it be deducted? And if there are refunds, from which account will the refund be taken? Below are the factors that decide this:

Product Category

Product refund, replacement, and return conditions vary per item type. Fashion items bought from a US-based seller, for example, are qualified for Free Returns, wherein Amazon will charge you, the seller, for the return shipping. The cost of the prepaid return label will be charged to your seller account. The cost cannot be deducted from the total product refund.

Meanwhile, the shipping cost for baby items will not be refunded if a wrong item is delivered to the customer, and it is not Amazon's fault. Returning items is still accepted, but Amazon will not handle return shipping costs.


Amazon's policies regarding shipping fee refunds can vary based on the country and region in which the customer is located, as well as the specific circumstances of the refund request.

For one, shipping costs vary based on the destination and shipping method chosen. When it comes to refunds, the amount refunded for shipping costs may be influenced by the original shipping rate for that specific location. For example, if a customer paid a higher shipping rate for rush delivery, the refund for shipping costs may be adjusted accordingly.

Different countries or regions may have different return shipping options available. Amazon may provide prepaid return labels or offer discounted shipping rates in some locations, making it easier and more cost-effective for customers to return items. The availability and terms of these options can vary based on the customer's location.

Customer Fault as Reason for Return

If a return claim is categorized as a ‘Customer-fault’ return, you can simply deduct the cost of the prepaid label from the total refund to be issued. Examples of customer-fault returns include “Accidental order,” “Better price available,” and “I don’t want it anymore.” To avoid fraud, sellers should check if the product is in the same condition as originally sent. 

Amazon or Seller Fault as Reason for Return

If the item is being returned to sellers because of Amazon's or the seller's fault and not a purchase mistake, buyers are entitled to the Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee, which offers refunds equivalent to the product cost and original shipping cost. The customer will be refunded depending on their reason for return. This applies to items that are defective, broken, or sent incorrectly.

Open packing boxes on a table

What are the Different Amazon Refunding Methods?

As per Amazon policies, you have two days after receipt of the item to issue the refund to your buyer. Failure to do so will result in Amazon automatically sending the refund on your behalf and charging your seller account.

These are the following refund options available:

  • Standard Refund - Where you issue the total refund once you have received the item back
  • Returnless Refund - Where you issue the refund without needing the item returned to you or Amazon
  • Refund at First Scan - This is mandatory for FBA and seller-fulfilled orders in the prepaid label program. Refunds are automatically issued to the buyer once they have successfully dropped off the package at an Amazon fulfillment center.

There are also cases of partial refunds wherein the refund does not match the buyer's original item price. This happens if and when the buyer covers the restocking fees. Tax exemptions are also an example of a partial refund where only the tax issued is refunded to the buyer.

Each refund option will have its corresponding refund time. But in general, returns take around two weeks to process. Then, Amazon processes the refunds after receiving the item.

Depending on the financial institutions involved, the issued refunds can take as little as two hours for an Amazon gift card balance and up to 30 days for a pre-paid credit card to reflect on the buyer’s account. 

Promotional Certificates, unfortunately, cannot be used to issue refunds (full or partial refund). A buyer can choose to be reimbursed thru the following:

  • Instant Product Refund - refunds can be via Gift Card balance or Credit Card, but the buyer still needs to return your item
  • Credit Card - takes three to five business days
  • Amazon Gift Card - takes two to three hours
  • Debit Card - takes up to 10 business days
  • Checking Account - takes up to 10 business days
  • SNAP EBT Card - takes up to 10 business days
  • Gift Card Balance - takes two to three hours
  • Shop With Reward Points - takes up to five business days
  • Pay in Cash (at a participating location) - takes up to 10 business days
  • Pre-paid Credit Card - takes up to 30 days, depending on the institution
woman double-checking order information on package label

What is the Amazon Refund Process?

No matter the reason for returns and refunds, Amazon strongly suggests the customer contact the sellers first before processing. Once you and your buyer have discussed the problem, only then are you advised to proceed. Remember to remind the customer to add a return label to their package if they wish for a replacement.

You have to check if the order is a Seller-Fulfilled Amazon Prime order. Amazon Customer Service handles all post-order transactions that fall under Seller-Fulfilled Prime, including customer returns. This is similar to the FBA users. 

To process returns and refunds for your buyer, log on to your seller account and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Seller Central.
  2. Go to the Manage Returns/Manage Transactions page.
  3. Review all Return Requests.
  4. Choose whether to authorize or decline the requests.
  5. Wait for the returned items.
  6. Process a full refund or a partial refund after receipt of the item. 

If a customer uses Amazon Pay, you can give their money back using Refund API.

  1. Sign in to Seller Central.
  2. Go to Orders, and then Manage Transactions.
  3. On the Manage Transactions page, locate the order requested for a refund.
  4. In the Action column, choose Refund from the options list (Amazon Reference ID > Details page > Refund)
  5. Enter the money amount in the Refund Payment dialog box. (This message will be in the refund email sent to the customer.) You’re free to add optional text to the Notes field.
  6. Click Review.
  7. A pop-up box will open, asking to confirm the refund.
  8. A final dialog box will open, confirming the amount. Click Submit.

Note: Double-check your return shipping address to avoid problems with receiving the returns. You may also opt for the Returnless Refund program.

You can request refunds as well, although the term used is reimbursements when it’s due to Amazon errors like lost item, wrong item, incorrect charges to your account, etc. You would have to file claims and process your request for reimbursements. It’s highly recommended that Amazon Account managers assist you with this.

Return Shipping Costs Assistance from Seller Interactive

In conclusion, Amazon does refund shipping costs under certain conditions. For those using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Amazon covers the cost of return shipping. However, third-party sellers who process their orders themselves must shoulder the cost of shipping for returns and refunds. 

Additionally, there are various considerations to keep in mind when it comes to refunding shipping costs, including product category, location, and reason for return. As a seller, it is essential to communicate the return and refund process clearly to customers to avoid confusion.

Amazon offers various refund methods, and refunds typically take around two weeks to process. It is also possible to request reimbursements with the help of an Amazon account manager in case of Amazon errors. Indeed, Amazon account managers are necessary to navigate the different policies and conditions of Amazon. 

Book a call with us at [email protected] and save yourself the headache of figuring all this out on your own.

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Amazon Seller Account Deactivated or Suspended? Prevent Either From Happening

You might hear news of seller account suspensions or deactivations on Amazon. Amazon account suspensions and deactivations are part of the platform's goal of giving users a trustworthy shopping experience.

As an Amazon seller, having your account deactivated or suspended can be a nightmare. Not only can it lead to loss of income, it can also damage your reputation and make it difficult to start selling again on the platform. 

There are many reasons why Amazon may choose to deactivate or suspend an account. The Amazon team tracks suspicious activities and swiftly acts on reports made against both seller and buyer accounts. The ecommerce platform is continually working on services and features to address issues and implement zero tolerance on fraudulent reviews and customer feedback, too much negative feedback, counterfeit products, false advertising, and more.

But there are steps you can take to prevent these from happening in the first place. In this article, we will discuss what Amazon account deactivation or suspension mean and explain the Amazon Health Rating to keep your account in good standing.

What Is Amazon Seller Account Suspension?

Account suspension refers to a floating condition of seller accounts. In terms of contracts and accounts, an account suspension refers to a temporary state wherein you are prohibited from performing as you normally do—falling out of favor but not yet doomed.

An Amazon seller account suspension occurs when sellers are suspected of violating the regulations or business policies. With a suspended account, selling privileges are taken from sellers. Account suspension also results in inaccessible funds.

These conditions are temporary as you need to reach out to Amazon within 90 days of receiving the suspension notice. In this notice, you will know the reason for your suspension. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • Poor customer experience based on the number of negative reviews
  • Failing the performance target score again and again
  • Stealing another seller's intellectual property by selling counterfeit items
  • Selling prohibited items
  • Failure to deliver on time either via Amazon FBA or seller fulfilled orders

Once you are informed of the specific violation, you’ll need to submit an appeal letter complete with these details: 

  • Plan of action to address the violations
  • Required information about what you are currently doing to address these violations
  • What you will do to abide by Amazon's policies in the future

If your appeal is accepted, your Amazon seller account suspension will be lifted and your account will be reinstated. You’ll be free to start selling again on Amazon.

What Does “Amazon Account Deactivated” Mean?

A deactivated account is a complete shutdown—meaning no activity can be performed. It can also include removing any information and assets stored in the account. Amazon account deactivation not only stops a seller from selling on the platform but also removes the product listings you've worked hard on.

Deactivation, like account suspension, can be appealed. If successful, you will get your account reinstated. But you'll need a strong plan of action and additional documentation. Because of the complexity, it's best to have an agency help you convince Amazon that you're a trustworthy seller.

The word ACTION PLAN written on office paper lying on top of a wooden desk

My Amazon Seller Account Is Deactivated or Suspended. What Now?

These are both major hassles. That's why you should prioritize keeping your Amazon seller performance excellent to avoid these issues. 

But what is done is done. Still, there's hope! Whether it is truly a case of negligence or a malicious act by others to target your brand, you can reach out to Amazon through an appeal letter. Get your account reinstated and get your selling privileges back by contesting the suspension or deactivation with this short guide.

  1. Go to Seller Central. 
  2. Under the Performance tab, click Account Health on the dropdown menu.
  3. You will be directed to your Account Health Page. Click Reactivate Your Suspended Account found at the top of the page.
  4. Follow the instructions: you may be asked to Submit a plan of action as well as supporting documentation.
  5. Click submit.
  6. Monitor your inbox. The Amazon Seller Performance team should reply within two days.

If your account is active and only one or two of your listings are deactivated, check them carefully for the policies they violated, if any. You can then appeal for your removed listings by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Seller Central then the Performance tab, and click Account Health.
  2. Select your issue in the Product Policy Compliance column.
  3. Follow the instructions. You may be asked to give further details on your product listing to comply with Amazon Policy and Terms of Service.
  4. Submit your appeal letter containing your plan of action.
  5. Monitor your inbox for Amazon's verdict.

Reactivating your account (or products, for that matter) takes time and patience. But, if you have enough proof to show Amazon was erring on the side of caution, or if your plan of action is clear and realistic, your seller account will be reinstated in due time.

Account Health Rating: Suspension and Deactivation Prevention

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure—this adage still rings true. You need to be responsible for your seller account's health and monitor your seller performance often.

The Health page is divided into three sections: Customer Service Performance, Product Policy Compliance, and Shipping Performance. Here, you'll be able to view where you're doing good, if you’re at risk of getting your account deactivated, or are in the critical stage and are about to get your account suspended.

In response to Amazon sellers' concerns and questions, Amazon released the Account Health Rating system to help you monitor your account health.

Amazon Account Health Rating or AHR was rolled out all over the world at the start of 2023. This new feature helps sellers keep track of their account health by warning them of any violations of the rules, and if there’s a risk of their account being deactivated.

It's a color-coded feature that measures your seller performance based on your adherence and compliance with Amazon's policies. It scores you from 0–1000 in real-time, and it takes into account the size and scale of your business before any points are awarded or deducted.

Meter dashboard with green, yellow, and red indicators, arrow pointing at orange, between yellow and red

How Does the Amazon Account Health Rating Work?

Listed below are the key points of how AHR works:

  • All Amazon Seller Accounts begin with 200 points upon account creation.
  • A green AHR (a score between 200–1000) means your account is “healthy” and safe from Amazon seller account deactivation/suspension.
  • A yellow AHR (a score of 100–199) means your seller account is “at risk”. Quickly check the Account Health Page for any listing or policy violation. Resolve them quickly to get your points back up.
  • A red AHR (a score of 99 and below) means your account is “unhealthy” and is in danger of deactivation or suspension if it isn’t already. Your selling privileges will be limited at this point.

AHR is a point system and deductions are based on the degree of the policies violated. These violations are ranked according to the severity and can be considered critical, high, medium, or low.

Repeat offenses will result in the violation points increasing with each repeat. And there is a maximum number of repeat policy violations per rule. For example, infringement has a maximum of five repeats, while selling prohibited items only gets two.

The AHR takes into account your business size and rates accordingly. A given example by Amazon is when you only have ten orders and one needs attention. Your AHR will not drop despite the issue being 10% of your store.

Please note that even with a “healthy” seller account, Amazon can and will immediately deactivate your account on grounds of suspected fraud, illegal, or otherwise harmful activity.

Seller Interactive's Seller Account Suspension Appeal and Reinstatement Service

Suspensions and deactivated accounts and listings are measures taken by Amazon to ensure the safety of all its users. Unfortunately, this means one wrong move or false report can cost you. Appealing and reinstating your account requires a prompt and smart plan of action.

Thankfully, Amazon is finding new ways to address seller-related issues and concerns like the revamped Account Health Rating system. Despite this, Account Health is still primarily the responsibility of the brand, and it pays to have a reliable team backing your corner.

Seller Interactive's main strategy is suspension prevention. We work with you to keep your account healthy. But we also have different approaches depending on your concerns, including, but not limited to, helping you craft a compelling appeal letter.Let us help you. Book a call at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-820-3746 for fast and effective reinstatement of your seller account.

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A Definitive Guide to Creating an Amazon Branding Strategy That Works

It is common knowledge for Amazon sellers that a strong brand identity is the foundation of a thriving business. Even if you have a remarkable product, it won’t amount to anything without a branding plan that successfully identifies your product from the millions of rival products on Amazon. 

Given the highly competitive nature of the marketplace, you must create an Amazon branding strategy that connects with potential buyers and drives them to choose your product over others. So how exactly do you go about developing such a strategy? And will it simplify your Amazon account management?

Find out all the answers in this guide.

The Pillars of an Amazon Branding Strategy

There is more to a brand than just a logo or a tagline一it’s the identity of your products. It encompasses everything from design to the customer experience. A strong brand can help businesses build customer loyalty and differentiate themselves in a crowded market. But how can you establish a powerful brand? Here is where branding strategy comes into play.

A branding strategy is about creating a roadmap that will guide you in creating a strong, cohesive brand that appeals to your target audience. It involves factors like research, planning, developing a unique selling proposition, choosing the right colors and fonts, and creating consistent messaging for marketing initiatives across all channels.

The right roadmap starts with the right foundation. Here are two crucial pillars to consider when developing the ultimate Amazon brand strategy.

#1: Amazon Brand Architecture

Amazon brand architecture refers to the organizational structure of a brand's product portfolio on the platform. It includes how a brand's products and categories are arranged and presented to customers.

Creating a well-defined brand architecture strategy requires thoroughly understanding your business objectives, target audience, and product offerings. By analyzing these elements, you can determine where to expand and diversify your services and products to serve Amazon shoppers and strengthen your online presence.

#2: Amazon Brand Positioning Strategy

Amazon's positioning strategy centers on providing customers with an easy, personalized, and convenient shopping experience. From fast and reliable shipping to a broad range of products, their emphasis on being a customer-centric company is evident in their business practices.

Businesses like yours can learn from this brand management approach. By knowing the needs and preferences of your customers, you can occupy a unique place in their minds and promise them a unique benefit that other Amazon stores can’t match.

Your value proposition should also be prominently displayed across all touchpoints of your Amazon store, including product descriptions, images, and packaging. This approach can attract and retain customers and create a brand association.

4 Key Components of an Effective Branding Strategy

Impact of effective branding strategy on a woman online shopping

More and more customers are getting bombarded with Amazon’s brand marketing messages, from when they wake up to when they go to sleep. This situation presents a challenge for businesses to craft compelling brand messaging that can break through the saturated market without appearing intrusive and misleading.

Apart from brand structure and positioning, you must consider these other critical elements for a successful branding strategy.

1. Memorable Name

A solid brand requires an attention-grabbing and unique name. While it may seem like a small detail initially, this is often the first thing prospective customers notice. It is your initial step toward building an instant connection with them.

Of course, coming up with the perfect name is a challenge. You should find a balance between something easy to remember and pronounce and something that accurately reflects your company's values and mission. Done correctly, it can enhance your marketing efforts and bring your name in front of your primary audience.

2. Cohesive Visual Identity

A consistent visual identity is an essential aspect of branding. From design elements like the color palette and font to the brand logo and style guide, it helps customers instantly recognize what your brand offers.

Businesses with a cohesive visual identity can form a powerful and memorable brand. It can create brand equity by forging a strong link between the business and its products or services. This brand recognition, in turn, can foster a sense of trust and integrity among customers.

3. Distinctive Voice

Your tone of voice is a vital part of your brand strategy. It should be consistent across all platforms, including your website, social media, email marketing, and customer service. A distinct yet recognizable voice allows customers to quickly identify and remember the brand, making it more likely for them to return for future products or services.

So what does a good tone of voice sound like? That depends on your brand. For example, if your business targets young audiences, the language should be upbeat and friendly. On the other hand, the tone should be more formal if your company sells a luxury product. Ultimately, it should make your audience feel good about doing business with you.

4. Brand Positioning

Aside from having a cohesive brand image, you must also know where your brand stands in the marketplace. Competitor analysis will help you figure out your brand’s unique value proposition and how to communicate it effectively to your target audience.

By delving into the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, you gain valuable insights that help you to discern your brand's differentiating factors. This knowledge empowers you to identify gaps within the market and seize opportunities to position your brand distinctively so you can establish a remarkable brand reputation in the saturated market.

The Impact of an Effective Amazon Branding Strategy

Remember that your branding strategy can significantly influence your success on Amazon. Implementing the key components mentioned above is crucial to ensure your store’s growth.

By doing so, you can benefit from a range of advantages that come with a strong branding strategy, such as:

  • Brand Recognition: Potential customers are more inclined to choose a brand they are familiar with over a new one.
  • Building Customer Loyalty: If customers know what your company stands for and appreciate the quality of your products or services, they tend to remain loyal and make repeated purchases.
  • Boosting Your Bottom Line: Loyal customers may even be willing to pay a premium for products or services that bear your name. And during difficult times, these customers will be more likely to stick with brands they trust.
  • Developing New Offerings: Your brand strategy provides a clear guide for innovation. This could mean introducing new products, extending existing product lines, or entering new markets.
  • Attracting Top Talent: The best employees are enticed to work for businesses with a compelling mission and vision, especially if they see potential in it.
  • Protection Against Copycats and Knockoffs: A strong brand identity is difficult to imitate; fake products are easier to detect.

Get the Most Out of Your Branding Strategy With These Tips

Branding strategy for your business

Your Amazon brand is your bread and butter. So it’s not enough to post your products and expect sales to come in. Being intentional and consistent with your efforts to succeed on the platform is essential. 

Here are some tips to help you maximize the impact of your Amazon branding strategy.

Define Your Brand Identity

Define the perception you want your customers to have of your brand when they hear your name. This process involves identifying the fundamental aspects of your identity, such as its characteristics, values, qualities, mission, and goals.

Once you’ve mastered these elements, you can develop a compelling brand image that will guide your business decisions and align with your business plans. 

Create a Style Guide

A style guide outlines your brand's visual appearance standards, including logo usage, color palette, typography, and photography style. It ensures that all your marketing materials are instantly recognizable as being from your business, making it easy for others to create consistent branding on your behalf.

Having a style guide also saves time and resources in the long run. It eliminates the need to create new designs and materials from scratch every time you have a new campaign or project, as you can refer to your style guide for direction. 

Train Employees About Your Brand

Your employees are the backbone of your business and the frontline representation of your brand to the world. Their actions, attitudes, and behaviors can make or break customers' perceptions of your business.

Familiarize them with your brand identity. Provide training on customer service, product knowledge, and company values so that everyone is on the same page about how they should represent your business.

Establish an Emotional Connection

Emotional connections are powerful as they tap into customers' core values and beliefs, which can be linked to their self-identity. For example, customers who value sustainability may connect with environmentally-focused brands, while those who value quality and craftsmanship may connect with brands offering high-quality products.

If you can connect emotionally with customers, they're more likely to become loyal fans of your brand.

Final Thoughts

A strong brand strategy should be at the top of your marketing priorities if you aim to thrive in the highly competitive Amazon marketplace. Investing in this can provide a solid foundation for your business to grow and achieve success.

It’s important to note that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to branding. Every business has unique objectives, so formulating an Amazon brand strategy that works for your specific business goals is essential.

If you need further information and help managing your Amazon store, don’t hesitate to reach Seller Interactive at 1-800-820-3746; we’d love to help! 

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Where Is The Claim Code On An Amazon Gift Card? + 4 Common Questions Answered

Despite being in the marketplace for years, Amazon patrons and sellers may still be unfamiliar with gift cards. They may have queries such as  “Where is the claim code on an Amazon gift card,” “What types of gift cards are available,” and “How can you claim Amazon Gift Cards?”

Let’s review these frequently discussed Amazon physical or digital Gift Card questions and learn the ins and outs of gift card claims on Amazon.

5 Popular Amazon Gift Card Concerns

As one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the world, Amazon offers its gift cards with the benefits of having no expiration date and being redeemable at any time

And as a seller in the retail giant, endorsing Amazon Gift Cards allows you to promote your business and assist customers in finding the perfect gifts. You can tell customers that with an Amazon Gift Card, recipients can pick and choose your products based on their preferences. 

Your customer need not worry and guess which of your products would be suitable gifts. They can even purchase one for themselves, effectively giving your brand exposure and increasing your profits.

To help you and your customers understand the basics of the Amazon Gift Card, let’s begin our quest by answering the most common questions about the Amazon Gift Card.

graphic showing five primary questions about Amazon Gift Card claims

What Types of Gift Cards Can Customers Buy?

Customers can purchase Amazon gift cards depending on their specific needs. The different Amazon Gift Card types available are as follows:

The Amazon Digital Gift Card may be in the form of an email, text, or a Print-at-Home gift card. Customers can customize them with images and messages to make them more personal.

Physical Gift Cards also come in various design options, such as fun boxes with pop-up designs and colorful imagery, a simple card in an envelope, or the classic and sleek design gift cards are known for. The thoughtful packaging reinforces the idea that gift cards are valid presents.

On the other hand, Amazon has partnered with several known brands for Specialty Gift Cards. Among them are Netflix, Apple, Uber, Starbucks, and Whole Foods. If you play your cards right, your brand may be the next big success to join them.

Lastly, the Amazon Reload is ideal for those who prefer to save all their gift cards for an even bigger purchase, making it the perfect gift for many people.

💡 Sellers should stay informed about different gift card promos and other Amazon news to strategize their marketing campaigns accordingly. 

In addition, during special events like “Prime Day,” special discounts, freebies, and add-ons may become available for gift card purchasers. For instance, the recently finished Prime Day 2023 gave a $20 credit to customers who spent their $100 DoorDash gift cards, among other deals.

Keeping up-to-date with these opportunities boosts your chances of success in the platform.

How Can Customers Purchase Gift Cards? 

Buyers have several options to purchase gift cards, so they can choose which one is most suitable and convenient for them. When purchasing Gift Cards, customers can: 

  1. Add Cash to Account Balance - Customers can load their Gift Card using the Amazon Cash barcode from a participating store. They can print the barcode or access it via phone, then present it to the cashier with their registered mobile number.
  2. Purchase from a store - Amazon Gift Cards are available in stores and online. The Gift Cards are available in $15, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. Some stores offer loadable cards from $25 to $500. Check the Amazon website for the complete list of participating stores. 
  3. Order Online - Customers are allowed up to 400 Email and Print-at-Home gift cards per order. There's also a $10,000 cap per customer in one day. 

Where is the Claim Code On An Amazon Gift Card?

Your customers smoothly finished the transaction and now have an Amazon Gift Card. But that’s not where the process ends. The recipient must find the gift card’s claim code before any official product purchase occurs. 

Claim codes are unique combinations of numbers and letters corresponding to specific gift cards. Recipients must redeem these codes before using the card. 

In other words, claim codes serve as your customers’ keys to a locked treasure trove of delightful gifts. 

For Amazon Gift Cards, the claim codes are 14 characters.

Buyers can get the Amazon Gift Claim Code on the card itself. However, claim codes can be placed differently, depending on the type of gift card you select. Here’s one example from an eGift card preview.

annotated screen cap of an Amazon eGift Card with the Claim Code area

It all depends on the gift card type. For digital gift cards, it can be printed at the top of the message or just below the logo in the email body sent to the recipient. It can also be in an attachment sent with the email.

For physical cards, the claim codes are typically printed on the back with arrows pointed directly at the claim code location. However, customers may need to scratch it to reveal the code. The claim code may also be on the accompanying receipt if the physical gift card lacks these features.

How Do You Claim the Amazon Gift Card Code?

Now that they’ve successfully located their Gift Card’s claim code, customers can redeem their gift cards through Amazon’s website or mobile app.  

Via Website
Redeem Gift Card” page and input the gift card code. Select “Add to Your Balance,” and the amount will be credited to their Amazon account. 
Additionally, they can use their claim codes during checkout by heading to their Review your order page's Gift Cards & promotional codes section.
Via Mobile
Buyers must head to the Your Account page by clicking on the person icon in the app and find the Payments section. Once there, they can click “Manage gift card balance.
 They must tap the “Redeem another gift card” button and provide their claim code to activate the gift card successfully.

While there is no expiration date for claiming the code, it is advised that recipients redeem Amazon gift cards as soon as possible to prevent and immediately address any issues. An example is misplacing or mishandling a gift card, resulting in a blurred or unreadable claim code.

💡 Claiming the code places the gift card funds in the recipient's Amazon account. People can save their credits by unchecking the "use gift card" or "use balance" options when checking out.  They can check these options once more when ready to use the points.

An Amazon Gift Card cannot be transferred or refunded once claimed. 

shot of a troubled and frustrated lady looking at her laptop

What Issues Can One Encounter When Redeeming Amazon Gift Card’s Claim Code?

Nothing is perfect, and even with Amazon, there can be issues in claiming gift card codes, such as the following:

  1. The Gift Card is not sending: Advise customers to double-check recipient's email address and check “junk” and “spam” folders. They may resend the gift card up to 5 times, but Amazon has to deactivate the previous card before issuing new ones.
  2. The Gift Card is already being applied: The recipient may receive an error message when they redeem a gift card. The code may have been redeemed. The recipient should check the account balance for clarification.
  3. The Gift Card is applied to the wrong account: This issue occurs when people share devices to log on. Before redeeming, the recipient must ensure they are logged in to the correct Amazon account. They should never share the code or any order details. 
  4. The Gift Card claim code is unreadable - If the claim code is unclear, contact Amazon immediately and prepare the serial number and order details. If purchased from a store, the buyer can ask for help from the store. 
  5. Other Issues - Request your buyers to check Amazon's Terms and Conditions. Make sure they are not violating any rules that would affect their purchase.

As long as your buyers and their recipients are careful, there should be little to no issues. As a seller, aftercare is a must-know. You can easily resolve these concerns with Amazon account managers handling your Customer Service.

Final Thoughts

Gift cards are great and versatile gifts. You can send a physical card with claim codes at the back or send them digitally via email or text. You can choose designs or customize your own. They are also easy to activate and redeem.

Amazon Gift Cards can bring much-needed exposure for your brand and increase your sales while solving your customers’ gift-giving dilemmas all in one go.

If you find this article helpful for your business, consider working with Amazon experts from Seller InteractiveBook a free call with us today, and let us support you in helping your customers and growing your brand.

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A Seller’s Guide to Walmart Suspension

Walmart is a giant retail force. It’s only second to Amazon as America’s biggest ecommerce retailer. Their online arm, Walmart Marketplace, offers an even more diverse range of products than their brick-and-mortar stores. 

Applying as a Walmart Marketplace seller can be a bit challenging because of the meticulous process. Sellers have rules to follow when selling on the platform. Failure to observe Walmart’s Performance and Policy Standards could result in consequences, such as a Walmart suspension. 

Walmart account suspensions are something every Walmart seller dreads. But, if you’ve experienced it, please know there’s a solution to this problem. This article will teach you how to recover from and manage such situations to prepare yourself for a possible encounter.

Why Does a Walmart Account Suspension Happen?

Walmart seller account suspensions are fairly common, but that normalcy doesn’t make it less stressful. Does the platform work together with sellers in resolving issues? Yes. However, there are instances where they’re left with no choice but to suspend Walmart accounts when violations and issues persist.

There are four primary grounds for Walmart seller account suspensions. Let’s tackle each one in depth.

  1. Seller Performance Fails To Meet Walmart Standards

Sellers are responsible for meeting Walmart Performance Standards. So keep an eye on these four metrics of seller performance.

Return Rate

A Walmart seller’s return rate is the percentage of customer order returns due to seller fault. Return causes may include item damage and sending the wrong order. The rate shouldn’t exceed 6% within 90 days.

Cancellation Rate

Going by its name, the cancellation rate is the percentage of seller-initiated order cancellations after receipt of orders from Walmart. Sellers should keep the rate below 2% within 14 days.

On-Time Delivery Rate

This rate determines the percentage of orders delivered during or before the expected delivery date (EDD). Keep your account in Walmart’s good graces by keeping this rate above 95% within 14 days.

Valid Tracking Rate

Sellers should have their valid tracking information provided including the delivery scan during or before the EDD. This rate should be above 99% in 14 days. 


Walmart acknowledges situations that are beyond sellers’ control. Walmart sellers will be pardoned if they provide sufficient evidence that proves that such situations were behind their failure to meet standards. 

If you receive a warning and believe that the infraction isn’t your fault, you can make your case by submitting the following details:

  • Valid reason/s for issue
  • Sufficient evidence/proof
  • The period when the issue occurred
  • Total number of orders affected by the issue

We recommend checking your Seller Scorecard frequently to keep track of your performance. You can access it by clicking on the Performance option of your Seller Center account’s Analytics tab.

  1. Breaching the Marketplace Retail Agreement

The Walmart Marketplace expects sellers to follow the terms stated in their Marketplace Retail Agreement upon signing up for the platform. The Agreement ensures you won’t sell used, fake, and unauthorized items. 

It also enumerates the processes you’ll be responsible for. It’s a legally binding contract once you sign it, so pay attention to its content to stay out of trouble.

  1. Violation of Trust and Safety Standards

The Trust and Safety Standards protect sellers from harmful or offensive materials. These are the three violations you should never commit.

Offensive Material

This category covers product listings and items that are deemed offensive to shoppers. This includes products encouraging discrimination and violence and items containing explicit content.

Intellectual Property

This violation occurs when sellers don’t cite the original creators of their listed paintings and other products. Unauthorized product distribution falls under this category as well.

Regulatory Compliance

Items that pose risks to product and food safety regulations belong to this category. These items can include prescription drugs and untested and uncertified baby products.

  1. Operational Standards Aren’t Met

Walmart Marketplace sellers should efficiently run and maintain their operations. Meeting the platform's operational standards includes giving helpful customer service and ensuring quick order shipment. Pay extra attention to these two areas to gauge Walmart’s expectations.

Customer Service

Sellers should be able to provide excellent customer service to their shoppers. They must be transparent and precise with delivering information to customers to keep them updated on their purchases. 

They should also be responsive to their queries while complying with Walmart standard changes as they happen.

walmart homepage

Respect and Equality

Sellers shouldn’t engage in forced and underaged labor practices, nor should they exhibit discriminatory behavior towards any individual. They should also maintain a safe working environment for workers and employees.

How Does Walmart's Suspension Process Work?

When sellers commit a violation, Walmart initially sends them a warning before giving a suspension. They’ll state the grounds for their warning and provide extra recommendations or requirements, giving sellers a chance to improve. 

A suspended Walmart seller account goes through a meticulous process, just like the seller application process. First, a team of experts will monitor seller performances through the Walmart Partner Performance Review. Then, after thorough deliberations, they’ll communicate their decision to the seller as soon as possible.

When they suspend a seller, they’ll send them a notice and the earliest date for an account reinstatement appeal. We’ll explain that process in the next section.

How Can Sellers Appeal Walmart Suspensions?

An appeal after a Walmart seller account suspension is possible. However, note that this is only applicable to sellers that haven’t violated their Trust and Safety Standards. Reinstate your account by following these steps.

  1. Review Your Performance and Spot Areas for Improvement

Pinpoint the areas that contributed to your suspended Walmart seller account. You can consult an expert for this step since there are areas that may be difficult to analyze. Don’t forget to document your analysis—you’ll need it for the next step. 

  1. Create an Action Plan

Apply the takeaways from your analysis and turn them into an actionable plan. It should state the problem, cause, and solution/s. Your plan should emphasize that while you continue to sell on the Walmart Marketplace, excellence will be your priority. 

  1. Send Your Plan to Walmart

Log in to your Seller Center account and go to Support. Next, click Partner Account/Profile and choose the Appealing Account Suspension option. Once there, attach your plan and submit it. 

It’ll take Walmart two days to review your plan and make a decision. 

Then, should your account be reinstated, they’ll give you guidelines for strict compliance, along with steps to take your account back to good standing.

  1. Maintain Your Progress

The work doesn’t stop at reinstatement. Walmart expects sellers to stick to their action plans and improve their performances.

How Can You Avoid Walmart Seller Account Suspensions?

We know how stressful seller account suspensions can be. Keep a suspended Walmart account at bay by considering this simple yet sometimes overlooked tip: understand their terms.

There’s a reason why people often remind each other to “read the fine print” when signing contracts. With a platform as big as Walmart, this advice becomes all the more important. Simply reading terms and policies isn’t enough; sellers should understand them if they want to keep their businesses alive.

Final Thoughts

The last thing you want is to have your Walmart seller account suspended. Avoid getting yourself in such a position by taking cues from this article. Even if you display great behavior on the platform, this remains an important lesson to learn.

Are you having difficulty handling account management by yourself? Let Seller Interactive help! Our team’s years of ecommerce experience will guide you through your selling journey on a large online platform.

Reach out by emailing [email protected] to get started.

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