Himanshi Raj

Himanshi Raj is the General Manager of Operations at Seller Interactive, where she oversees day-to-day operations. With over 12 years of experience in client management and eCommerce, Himanshi has proven skills in managing teams and achieving business goals. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication degree from Amity School of Communication and certifications in Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and trying new cuisines. LinkedIn Twitter
A Beginner’s Guide on Amazon Seller Central

As a new seller, it's normal to become overwhelmed as you venture into selling on Amazon—it’s the biggest online retail platform to date, after all. Yet the best way to lessen those doubts and fears is to face them. And one of the crucial parts you need to face is Amazon Seller Central.

Learning it all on your own might be confusing, but we're here to make it digestible for you. In this blog post, we will share how to set up your seller account and the key features that await you on the Seller Central dashboard.

a graphic showing things you can do on amazon seller central, from top left to bottom right: inventory management, product listing creation, set prices, create ads, view performance reports

What Is Amazon Seller Central: An Overview

Seller Central is a platform developed by Amazon catering to entrepreneurs, business owners, and brand managers. It's a marketplace to sell products to Amazon's pool of customers directly.

This arrangement allows Amazon sellers and account managers to oversee their selling activities. 

For example, sellers can list their products, track sales, provide customer service, monitor customer feedback, manage inventory, and even ship their products (subject to Amazon's regulations.) Businesses are drawn to Seller Central because it allows them to use their management and marketing strategies to influence performance and profit. 

However, your projected sales volume depends on the type of selling plan you have. Check out the differences between the two types below:

  1. Individual Selling Plan

An individual selling plan allows sellers to sell their products without the hassle of a paid subscription plan. This selling plan suits beginner Amazon sellers or those with low sales volume. You will be charged only $0.99 per product sold, making it affordable for sellers just starting out.

  1. Professional Selling Plan

A professional selling plan offers bulk upload, inventory control, management features, Amazon advertising, and more. You can't find these features in the Individual selling plan. This type of plan also offers product categories not available with the individual selling plan. 

However, Amazon charges a $39.99 monthly selling fee for the professional selling plan, which makes it suitable for those with established businesses or decent sales volume.

a table showing the difference between an individual and professional seller account on amazon; first row: $0.99 per item, $39. 99 per month, second row: 20 product categories, 30 product categories, third row: cannot create ads, can create ads, fourth row: not eligible for buy box, eligible for buy box

What are the Selling Fees on Amazon?

Here are some selling fees that you might need to pay as you start selling on Amazon:

  • Referral fees. This refers to the commission charged by Amazon for selling items on its platform. The fee varies depending on the product category. It typically falls within the range of 12-40%. Amazon charges a referral fee of approximately 15% for the majority of products.
  • Seller plan fees. All Amazon sellers pay seller plan fees whether they avail of individual or professional plans.
  • FBA fees. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service that allows sellers to outsource order fulfillment to Amazon. You'll send products to Amazon's fulfillment centers, where they pick, pack, and ship orders. There are fees associated with fulfillment, storage, and additional services on Amazon FBA.

How to Create an Amazon Seller Central Account

  1. Go to https://sell.amazon.com/.
  2. Click Sign up.
  3. Click the Create your Amazon account button.
  4. Input your name, email, and password.
  5. Input the six-digit One-Time Password (OTP) code sent to your email address.
  6. From the drop-down menu under Business information, choose the location of your business.
  7. After clicking the Sign-Up button, it will prompt you to enter essential information about you and your business. Here are some information that may be asked from you:
  • Business location
  • Business Type
    • State-owned business
    • Publicly-owned business
    • Privately-owned business
    • Charity
    • None, I am an individual
  • Full name
  • Mobile or telephone number
  • Bank account number
  • Chargeable credit card identity details
  1. Input information about your product/s and store. This includes whether you have Universal Product Codes (UPCs), diversity certifications, and if you're a manufacturer or a brand owner. Fill out the store name, tick the appropriate buttons for each question, and click Next.
  2. You'll be asked to upload identity documents (i.e., a photo of your ID) and additional documents (i.e., a bank or credit card statement).
  3. After uploading your documents, you must complete an Identity Verification via video call with an Amazon associate who will verify your documents and the personal information you submitted. 
  4. Once you're verified, you can start selling!

Key Features of the Seller Central Dashboard

Now that you already have a seller account, let's explore the heavily used section of the Seller Central interface: the top bar menu. This is where you can manage your account or ask for help from the Amazon seller support team.

Each tab on the Seller Central dashboard has a drop-down list that gives you relevant options:


The catalog manages your entire product selection. The Catalog menu also allows you to:

  • Add Products. If you want to add and list new products on the Amazon marketplace, navigate here.
  • Complete Your Drafts. If you didn't complete the process, you could go back to this sub-menu. This is an excellent way to pre-plan your product additions.
A man holding a big box, consulting a female inventory manager holding a tablet


This option lets you manage, plan, and evaluate the number of products stored and ready for use. Some of the critical sub-menus are:

  • Manage Inventory. This is where you can see all your store's product listings and details, including name, image status, price, sales rank, and shipping options.
  • Sell Globally. You can list your products on Amazon marketplace countries using this option. It also lets you view sales data for each country you participate in. 
  • FBA Inventory. This is where you can monitor your FBA inventory. You can also prepare the shipments to be sent to fulfillment centers through this tab
  • Inventory Planning. This is where you can download the analytics of your listings. You'll have reports for all your active, inactive, sold, or canceled listings.


This option allows you to manage your listings' price points to give you a competitive edge against other buyers. Some of the crucial options under this tab are:

  • Pricing Health. This will show you if your price point is competitive, too low, or too high compared to the competition. Pricing health also gives insights into whether you're competitive enough for Buy Box placement.
  • Buy Box. This is the white box on the right side of the Amazon product detail page, making it easier for customers to purchase items in their cart. According to RepricerExpress, 83% of all Amazon sales happen through the Buy Box, which could be why many sellers wish to have it.
  • Automate Pricing. It lets you create specific pricing rules that trigger an automatic price change. 


The orders section is where you manage and monitor customer orders, returns, and claims you've made for your products. But if you have signed up on Amazon FBA, Amazon will take care of your orders.

  • Manage Orders. This sub-menu lets you view pending, canceled, or all order statuses among different sales channels.
  • Order Reports. This lets you download orders with different statuses (i.e., new, unshipped, archived). It also lets you schedule reports and manage them effectively.
  • Manage Returns. This applies to seller-fulfilled products that require manual authorization of product returns. This permits you to track product returns from pre-authorization to closure.
  • Manage SAFE-T Claims. Seller Assurance for Ecommerce Transactions (SAFE-T) allows you to process reimbursements for damaged or mishandled products you can no longer sell.


If you want to initiate, manage, and monitor advertising efforts for your product listing to boost sales, the Advertising section is where you go. Only the Professional Amazon account plan gets this feature.

  • Campaign Manager. It lets you create an advertising campaign for your product listing with different goals targeting specific consumers. You're also going to be able to set budgets to spend on your advertising efforts. You can use Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display ads if you're enrolled in the Amazon brand registry program.
  • A+ Content Manager. This is used by brand owners and managers who are part of the Amazon brand registry. It lets you tell your brand's story and value proposition using multimedia content.
  • Vine. This Amazon program lets you tap on Amazon's list of credible people to post reviews and opinions about your product listing. You can send your product to a maximum of 30 people to obtain reviews.
  • Deals. This tab allows you to create promotional discounts for your product listings, such as Amazon Lightning Deals.
  • Coupons. You can create a coupon for one or several of your products. You can also track the performance of your coupons in this section.
  • Promotions. Create three kinds of promotions for your prospective customers. Free shipping, Percentage Off, and Buy One, Get One. You can use one or combine several on one or multiple product listings.


The store manager option is for Amazon brand-registered sellers. It lets you create a brand landing page sponsored by Amazon and drive traffic to your branded product listings.


This section gives a detailed breakdown of important account information to analyze your Amazon business operations better.

  • Payments. This tab provides an expense statement showing how much you paid Amazon in a given date range, transactions, or all statements.
  • Amazon Selling Coach. This tab produces reports that suggest how to improve your Amazon business. Among them are recommendations for your product listings, inventory management, and search recommendations.
  • Business Reports. If you want to see sales traffic and performance reports, this is the section where you can view historical data for your products. 
  • Fulfillment. This section allows you to view information related to fulfilled shipments. Reports include inventory, sales, inventory and storage fees, customer returns and replacements, order removals, and more.
  • Return Reports. This reports on all customer returns along with the reason for the returns on an account level.
  • Tax Document Library. The Tax Document Library Generates reports involving tax payments and exemptions imposed on your Amazon seller account. This can be used as a reference for tax filing purposes.


This section gives you a quick overview of your Amazon account's performance. This will likely be your go-to section if you're hands-on with account management.

  • Account Health. It provides an overview of your customer service performance, product compliance, and shipping service performance.
  • Feedback. It shows you the overall buyer satisfaction or dissatisfaction that ranges from 30 days, six months, one year, or a lifetime. It allows you to track customer sentiment and negative reviews and manage them via a removal request.
  • Chargeback Claims. It lets you view and manage charge disputes if you've filed a claim for an incorrect charge due to unauthorized payment or non-receipt of items.
  • Performance Notifications. In this section, you'll find Amazon's critical communications for your accounts, such as product listing suspension or takedown.
  • Voice of the Customer. This shows your buyer's sentiment on a listing level and categorizes the listing from very poor to excellent. This way, you can manage your poor-performing listings.
  • Seller University. It acts as a knowledge base for beginner sellers looking to improve their seller process knowledge.
three fists bumping together

Manage and Grow Your Business with Seller Interactive

Navigating the Amazon marketplace as a beginner seller can be daunting, but by learning the ins and outs of tools like Seller Central, you can reach your online business goals sooner than later. 

Remember, Seller Central is like your command center on Amazon, offering options and resources to streamline your selling operations. Aside from having a comprehensive understanding of Seller Central, you should also keep your seller account healthy and avoid possible Amazon policy violations. 

Still find everything a little confusing? No worries! Consider employing an Amazon account manager as a new seller. Professional account management can be a game-changer for your fledgling business, as it can provide you with the support you need in optimizing your account, handling customer service, and navigating Amazon’s policies.
Book a call with us today to get a free consultation.

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Win the Coveted Buy Box Through a Solid Amazon Pricing Strategy

When selling on Amazon, winning the Buy Box is essential for maximizing sales and profitability. The Buy Box is the section to the right of the Amazon interface which customers can’t miss. It has an easy “Add to Cart” button which greatly increases the likelihood of a sale.

However, winning the Buy Box is not a straightforward process and is influenced by various factors, including pricing. A solid Amazon pricing strategy is critical to winning the Buy Box and essential for staying competitive and maintaining profitability.

In this article, we’ll explore different Amazon pricing strategies that online sellers like you can use to win the Buy Box and grow your Amazon business.

the text “price” spelled out using dice and a man adjusting a die with red upward arrow and green downward arrow

Situations That Call for Price Changes

Have you ever been to a store where the prices of certain items dropped significantly towards the end of the day? Or have you noticed how stores raise prices during certain seasons?

This is manual pricing, a dynamic pricing strategy. There are several strategies in dynamic pricing to make sales as market demand fluctuates, or as perishables near their expiration dates. Dynamic pricing also happens on Amazon, especially in situations like these two.

Adjusting Amazon's Pricing Model for In-Demand Products

If products are in high demand, the right Amazon pricing strategy may be to increase. By increasing the prices of the products in demand, businesses can capitalize on the demand and maximize profits. 

This tactic can also create a sense of exclusivity and desirability for the products. The perceived product value increases, strengthening brand loyalty and sales. Alternatively, lower prices can communicate urgency and persuade customers to buy before the prices return to normal. 

It's essential for Amazon sellers to carefully consider the potential consequences of changing prices, as it can affect customer loyalty and brand reputation. However, if implemented strategically, this Amazon pricing model can be a successful tactic.

Offering Competitive Prices on Par With Competitors

To remain competitive in a market where customer demand is high, compare prices with competitors. Then, it may be necessary to adjust. This is because your current pricing strategy may not be relevant when compared to competitors' prices.

If you charge a higher price than your competitors, you may lose customers, as choosing better and lower prices is instinctive. This can ultimately result in a loss of market share and revenue.

Similarly, if a business charges a significantly lower retail price than its competitors, it may undervalue its products and services and ultimately sacrifice profit margins. Find the sweet spot and adjust prices according to competitor prices to allow your business to remain competitive and attract new customers while maintaining a healthy profit margin.

In all these situations, sellers should evaluate the demand for a product during different times and utilize Amazon’s dynamic pricing strategy. This is so they can adjust pricing decisions accordingly. Sellers can then optimize their opportunities, go through their inventory, and boost profits. 

Craft an Amazon Pricing Strategy and Win the Buy Box

On Amazon, the more sales a store makes, the higher the chance for the store to get the "Buy Box" button. The Buy Box is a critical part of the Amazon marketplace that is highly coveted among sellers. The reason is simple: this is where Amazon recommends sellers to potential customers. 

The Buy Box is hard to miss for a customer. When you search for an item, it's usually on the right side of the screen with an "Add to cart" button. If you have the Buy Box, customers are more likely to click on your product, discover your store, and buy from you.

So how do you get the Buy Box? Here’s how!

Keep Your Pricing on Amazon Reasonable 

Keeping product prices reasonable is an intelligent strategy to secure the Amazon Buy Box, and the price is an important factor in determining who wins the Buy Box, with the lowest-priced item typically being the top contender. However, pricing too low can also hurt your bottom line.

By keeping prices reasonable, you can avoid losing money and stay competitive. This also ensures that you maintain healthy margins while customers enjoy great deals. An optimal price is significant for sellers with a high volume of products, as small margins can add up and help them maximize profits.

Check Out Your Competitors’ Pricing Model

Another effective pricing strategy to increase the chances of winning the Amazon Buy Box is to stay competitive and regularly check your competitors' pricing models. 

Additionally, keeping an eye on your competitors' prices can help you identify trends in the market, allowing you to pivot your strategy and utilize Amazon dynamic pricing accordingly.

Amazon search results for “makeup” shown on a mobile screen, held by a person

Experiment With Dynamic Pricing To Test Amazon’s Pricing Algorithm

Since Amazon's algorithm prioritizes sellers with competitive prices, experimenting with the most competitive prices is a premium strategy used by Amazon sellers to improve their chances of winning the Buy Box. 

Sellers can conduct A/B testing as a part of their Amazon pricing strategy to find the sweet spot that maximizes profit margins while still offering competitive prices. By analyzing sales trends and tailoring prices to the needs of their customers, sellers can improve their visibility on Amazon and achieve greater sales.

Sell a Variety of Products

Selling only new products to get the Buy Box can be a risky Amazon pricing strategy. This approach can limit your product selection and potentially lead to missed sales opportunities.

Additionally, new products don’t necessarily guarantee the Buy Box, as Amazon considers factors such as pricing, fulfillment performance, and customer feedback when determining Buy Box eligibility.

Sellers must use various high-quality products, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service to increase their chances of earning the Buy Box and maintain a successful Amazon selling business.

Make Sure You Have Enough Stock 

Amazon's pricing strategy isn't just about pricing rules. To stand out in the competitive platform, your dynamic pricing model should be paired with having enough stock.

Ensure that your stock levels are sufficient to win the Buy Box. Amazon wants to provide its customers with a reliable and consistent experience, requiring reliable and consistent inventory.

If a seller continually runs out of stock, Amazon may see them as unreliable and instead opt for another seller who can meet the demand. The seller who always has products in stock will most likely win the Buy Box.

Inventory management should be on top of your must-knows to ensure you always have enough products when demands are high. Maintaining accurate stock levels, setting up alerts to restock inventory when needed, and regularly reviewing sales data can all help sellers stay ahead of demand and increase their chances of winning the coveted Buy Box.

Take Care of Your Customers

Even taking care of customers should be included in your Amazon pricing strategy. A product's perceived value is seen not only in its price but also in the feedback and rating of customers.

To secure the Amazon Buy Box, a seller must prioritize customer satisfaction, respond quickly to queries, resolve complaints, and provide an exceptional shopping experience. Excellent customer service and positive feedback lead to loyalty and repeat customers, which increases the chances of winning the Buy Box.

Male hand with a thumb up, showing approval of the stack of Amazon parcels in his room

Match Your Amazon Pricing Strategy With the Platform’s Goals

Since its conception, Amazon has always been focused on giving its customers the best quality products at a minimum price, including affordable or free shipping prices. Amazon's success can be attributed to how much they cater to their customers.

Amazon wants sellers to think this way, too, and the Buy Box reflects that. If you satisfy the metrics set by the platform, it awards you with the Buy Box as a form of recommendation to buyers. As a seller, you must align your pricing strategy to ensure that you are helping Amazon give the best experience to customers.

With these rules set by the platform, both sellers and customers benefit. Sellers get more sales, while customers get the best deals.

Get Assistance From Seller Interactive

A solid pricing strategy is essential for winning the Amazon Buy Box, maximizing sales, and maintaining profitability. Amazon's unique pricing strategy is based on the law of supply and demand and competitor prices, and sellers need to plan their prices in response to these factors.

Does managing your Amazon store and everything in between sound overwhelming?Amazon listing experts can help you formulate a dynamic pricing strategy for your products. 

These professionals have valuable experience with pricing on Amazon. They are experienced in ecommerce, automated pricing, utilizing pricing tools, and Amazon’s repricing tools, among others.

Seller Interactive is the team you are looking for. We have experts trained in the areas mentioned above who can help you automate pricing, ensure value-based pricing, and utilize pricing tools to ensure you attract more customers and get them to convert.We offer Amazon full account management, which covers strategizing on pricing and more.

Book a call with us today to discuss our offers!

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Amazon Product Packaging Design Tips to Boost Your Sales

Imagine browsing Amazon products and coming across a cookie product housed in clever packaging resembling a stove. Curiosity compels you to look closer, even if you are unfamiliar with the brand. This is a common reaction for many, and such an experience may inspire you to create exceptional Amazon product packaging design for your own offerings. 

With the massive competition in and out of the eCommerce marketplace, you may find it challenging to stand out, especially as a newbie Amazon seller. But don’t worry about it. In this article, we’ll share tips on creating brilliant product packaging to drive more sales to your store.

Why Amazon Packaging Matters in Amazon Product Launching

A brand always sells two things: the packaging and the product. Customers see the package first, so Amazon sellers need to make sure that it makes the best impression. The product packaging should persuade a customer to take action, preferably a purchase. 

But aside from the first impression, there are more benefits to creating smart Amazon product packaging.

An infographic explaining the three benefits of a smart Amazon product packaging design, from left to right: product safety, brand recall, and increased sales

A Quick Look at Amazon’s Product Packaging Design Requirements

We look forward to your brilliant product packaging ideas. But don’t be in a hurry! You must first understand Amazon product packaging requirements so your efforts won’t go to waste. 

Product packaging options vary depending on the means of order fulfillment. If you’re using Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA), you must follow general shipping requirements to various fulfillment centers. Failure to comply may result in refusal, return, repackage, and noncompliance fees.

Generally, your product packages should have the following:

  • Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (FNSKU) - FNSKU is a barcode Amazon uses to manage inventory in fulfillment centers. Each FNSKU corresponds to one product and has unique variations (size, color, and shape). 
  • Tracking Code - Your package must contain a printed and scannable label or barcode that you use to track the item. It should be clear and readable enough to access. 

Your product packaging should also include your company contact information. Other requirements may differ depending on the item you’re selling and its category. These include boxed units, expiration dates, and additional legal requirements.

Ensure you go through this process carefully and meet Amazon’s requirements before officially launching your product. You can research online and go to Amazon Seller Central’s Help page or through Amazon Seller University to learn more about specific packaging requirements.

5 Amazon Packaging Tips to Launch With Wit and Purpose

When preparing for a product launch, think of giving an awesome customer experience from beginning to end. Start from when they would stumble upon your brand logo and product packaging. How can you pique their interest with just the cover itself? What can you do to influence their buying decision and convince them to take action? 

Are you ready to drive more sales on Amazon through creative and purposeful product packaging? Now that you understand the importance of Amazon product packaging, it’s time to learn the unique ways through it.

A graphic showing Amazon product packaging design tips, from left to right: know whom you’re selling to, keep it simple & convenient, draft as many ideas as you can, send customized product inserts, and go green

1. Draft As Many Ideas As You Can

Some cool ideas may randomly appear in your head while dining out or passing by a TV ad from an electronics store. Don’t ignore them! Who knows? One of these could become the key to your success. 

You only need one packaging concept for your product, but coming up with a final decision takes a cluster of many ideas. So don’t restrict yourself to just one vision— take as many ideas as possible. You can also consider brainstorming with an Amazon expert. 

2. Keep It Simple and Convenient

Avoid stuffing your package with irrelevant information. Make the design minimal where key information is readable and accessible. Use colors that sit comfortably in the eyes, avoid fonts that are difficult to read, and use high-quality images or graphics. 

While it’s good to try out-of-the-box ideas, always consider consumer convenience. It is best if the customer doesn’t have to unpack too many unnecessary layers when opening the package. Instead, give them a simple and enjoyable unboxing experience. 

3. Know Whom You’re Selling To

Amazon sellers like you should note that the target audience is an important part of every marketing phase. Understanding your target customers’ preferences can help you appeal to them better. 

People have different tastes, so having an ideal customer in mind gives your Amazon brand a place in the market. It is important to consider your buyer’s preferences when creating your packaging design concept (e.g., brighter colors for kids). 

4. Send Customized Product Inserts 

Get closer to your customers with customized product inserts. These cards or pamphlets in the package send important messages to the customer. It’s a great way to send your gratitude for the purchase or request feedback. 

Highlighting the product’s best features is also a benefit. There are many ways to use a product insert, but don’t use manipulative language or offer incentives in exchange for a positive review. Amazon has a rule discouraging sellers from asking customers for a positive product review.

5. Go Green

A report from Trivium Packaging states that sustainability remains at the forefront of consumers’ minds. This means people find environmentally conscious package design more attractive than those that are not. Additionally, this type of packaging can help you save on shipping costs.

Learn how to use recyclable and reusable packaging like cardboard boxes, shipping containers, glass bottles, organic fabrics, and more. Showcasing sustainable package design during your product launch is sure to turn heads. The best part is that you might get the attention of buyers out of your target market, too!

Seeking Smart Packaging Ideas For Amazon Sellers? Work With Seller Interactive

Smart packaging is one of the best product launch strategies in business. An eye-catching and purposeful Amazon packaging design can help you enter the Amazon marketplace with a bang!

If you find proper product packaging difficult to grasp, consider the help of Amazon web services for a product launch. Seller Interactive will assist you in making the best out of product launching with strategic planning and effective Amazon marketing techniques. If you want to elevate your Amazon product packaging design, book a call today.

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Top 5 Amazon FBA Mistakes You Must Avoid As A New Seller

Are you a new seller planning to enroll your products in the Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) program? If you’re looking for tips to start your business right and prevent making Amazon FBA mistakes, you are reading the right article!  

Being a new seller makes you prone to making miscalculations. While this is completely understandable, avoiding these errors before selling is crucial due to the platform’s strict regulations. You don’t want to suffer the costly consequences of policy violations.

This blog post will discuss the most common mistakes new sellers encounter and provide effective Amazon selling tips to avoid them. 

amazon's warehouse with employees sorting the products

Amazon FBA Selling Explained

Before you begin selling, let’s understand what Amazon FBA is. This program benefits both Amazon sellers and customers. Amazon FBA helps sellers handle the order fulfillment side of their Amazon business. Meanwhile, customers are allowed to receive their products faster. 

Establishing an Amazon FBA business benefits new sellers mainly because of its convenience. Your inventory will be sent over to Amazon’s warehouses, and they will be the ones to send it out to your customers. The program removes the hassle of packing and shipping your products on time. 

5 Amazon FBA Mistakes New Sellers Must Avoid

When starting a business at the retail giant, you may feel that making mistakes is almost inevitable. But many of these slips were not done deliberately or had anything to do with breaking the rules. Usually, they stem from a lack of thorough research.

Most new sellers on the platform are unfamiliar with how Amazon works. Overcoming the learning curves takes some time, so you must be patient. But, it will be more beneficial for you to be proactive and stay one step ahead by familiarizing yourself with common mistakes to avoid. 

This will help you navigate the Amazon marketplace more effectively and increase your chances of success. Check out five of these common errors below:

1. Using the Wrong Account Type

The first step in Amazon selling is registering an Amazon account for your business. You can register it either under a Professional or Individual Amazon seller account. Many Amazon FBA sellers fail to recognize and research the significant difference between these accounts.

For example, new Amazon FBA sellers are often lured by the lesser risk that the Individual seller account provides but may not realize it has a monthly selling limit of 40 products. If you are targeting to sell more than 40 products, it is best to register for a Professional seller account instead. 

While changing the account type can be a relatively simple solution for other sellers, it still requires time and effort. So, as a seller, it’s essential to understand how Amazon FBA business works if you intend to use it as your fulfillment method. Doing so helps you avoid unnecessary complications in the future.

2. Product Pricing is Incorrect

Another common Amazon mistake most sellers make is incorrectly pricing products on Amazon. It can either be a case of underpricing or overpricing, which can negatively affect your profit margin. To avoid this, do the following: 

  • Research your market and competitors comprehensively. 
  • Know who your target customers are. 
  • Add a unique feature to increase the profitability of products.
  • Consider competitive pricing. This is where you base your product prices on what your competitors offer. 
  • Consider the Amazon FBA fees you must shoulder, such as storage fees, order processing, and shipping costs when pricing your products.
As a new Amazon FBA seller, you might be tempted to price your products as cheaply as possible. This move is where most Amazon sellers fail, as it costs them substantial money in return for a few sales.

3. Amazon Business is Non-Compliant

Amazon’s Terms and Conditions exist for a reason. Since there are a lot of sellers on the platform, the retail giant maintains strict compliance in ensuring every FBA seller adheres to the rules. You must NOT simply skim these pages; take time to read and understand what is on them. 

Violating anything written on the Amazon FBA Terms and Conditions page can have huge and costly consequences. Even seemingly minor infractions can result in Seller Central account suspension, jeopardizing your inventory, production, and staff training investments. So ensure you are keen on abiding by them. 

💡 One of the rules Amazon FBA sellers often break is selling prohibited products on the platform. Thoroughly browse the complete list of products sellers can and cannot sell within Amazon’s Terms and Conditions page. 

4. Ordering More Than What You’re Capable of Selling

Before you order your inventory, ensure you can sell all of these within a specific time frame. Many sellers make a costly Amazon FBA mistake by letting their inventory sit in the warehouse, which is how they lose money.

For example, books on Amazon are one of the best-selling products that you can consider selling. If you are going in as a new Amazon seller, you will want to target the same sales velocity and volume that current products in this niche are already doing. However, if you sell in a different niche, you must order your inventory conservatively.

If you are getting your inventory from an offshore manufacturer, you can order the recommended minimum amount of inventory, which is 500 units. This number may be a good start, but  it is crucial to consider if you can manage to stock 500 units all at once.  

Since you also do not have enough data to support your products’ demands on the platform, it can be challenging to determine the ideal inventory level. 

5. Not Optimizing Your Amazon FBA Business’s Listings 

Relying on effective product listings to get sales on Amazon is non-negotiable. If not optimized, you won’t close the deals you’re anticipating. This is why learning how to make your product listings conversion-ready is important. But many new FBA sellers overlook this aspect or feel uncertain about the right techniques to apply.

Optimizing a product listing is not as simple as creating a catchy title and adding a few details about the item. A thriving product relies on enhancing all the different aspects of your listing, and that’s where these expert tips come in.


You may also utilize tools like Helium 10 and other Amazon resources to help you with keyword research, marketing, inventory management, and more. Give your products the best opportunity on the platform by making the most of available optimization tools and techniques.

Tips for New Amazon FBA Sellers

Now that you know the common Amazon mistakes you must avoid, you might wonder how to become an even better Amazon FBA seller. Check out these tips below:

  1. Find the Right Suppliers

Aside from choosing the right products to sell, how you choose your suppliers can also affect how much sales you get from the Amazon marketplace. Your suppliers should manufacture products consistently, welcome third-party inspection to check product quality and comply with the rules and regulations of Amazon and local authorities.

  1. Use High-Quality Product Photos

When customers purchase a product, product images are pivotal in influencing their decision-making process. 

a pie chart about how visual content influences digital purchases by emarketer 2021

You can invest in professional product photography services to improve your product photos. Still, it might not be cost-effective if you're a new seller on Amazon. Start with the basics of product photography. Ensure your photos are genuine and clutter-free, so customers can see your product clearly. 

a woman sitting at a table with a notebook and some packages, expressing joy while looking at something on her phone
  1. Gather Customer Feedback

To become a better Amazon seller, always pay attention to customer feedback, whether positive or negative reviews. Listen attentively to their valid concerns, promptly and appropriately address them, and strive for improvement.

Utilize the Amazon Early Reviewer Program to collect organic reviews. If you can't pay for the program, use the "Request a Review " button and gently ask your customers to write their thoughts.

How about negative reviews? Can I remove them? They can also be helpful (albeit valid and not too many). To deal with these ratings, understand the issues first and work on your product for improvement. But if you feel these ratings violated the policies, you can have them removed. 

Never resort to black hat strategies like paying or offering incentives in exchange for positive reviews. If you do this, Amazon will take your seller account down and may prevent you from selling on the platform in the future.

  1. Answer Customer Queries Within a Day

In the world of eCommerce, customer satisfaction is paramount. They can make or break the sales touchpoint. To ensure you provide a satisfying experience for buyers, promptly address their inquiries and comments within a day of receiving them. 

Establish yourself as a reliable and responsive seller by prioritizing timely and appropriate responses. This demonstrates your commitment to meeting your customer’s needs. 

Key Takeaway

Selling on Amazon is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires hard work. Many new sellers make costly mistakes because they lack the knowledge about the platform and the proper methods to make it there successfully.

With that in mind, we hope you were able to familiarize yourself with the common errors, ways to avoid them, and how to drive actual sales right at the early stages of your selling journey. Remember, every mistake can be an opportunity to grow and improve your business!

Are you ready to start selling on Amazon, or do you need further help with your Amazon seller FBA account? Work with a reputable Amazon Seller account specialist today! Contact us and we will get you started with your dream business in no time. 

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Gain an Edge Over Your Competitors With an Amazon Competitor Analysis Tool

Amazon has become an increasingly popular marketplace for both buyers and sellers. Seller accounts on the platform continue to increase, making the competition on the Amazon marketplace quite intimidating. But it needn't be like that. You can treat it as a valuable source for developing successful strategies for your brand.

Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) plays a huge role in analyzing top competitors on the platform. Since Amazon is another type of search site (but with a buying intent), it is also controlled by keywords and other related factors. As a seller on Amazon, you must understand how it works and find your way through it.

Companies that offer Amazon SEO services can help you with that. This article discusses how you should conduct competitor analysis, from keyword research to effective PPC strategies. 

Amazon SEO: An Overview

Let's have a quick understanding of SEO in Amazon first. Amazon SEO works like any other search engine in terms of general directives. It uses relevant keywords, is guided by an algorithm, and optimizes listings/pages to rank products/services. What sets it apart from other search engines is the direct and indirect ranking factors.  

Amazon SEO vs. Google SEO

Both Amazon and Google are platforms for searching, but they also have significant differences. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Amazon search comes with an intent to buy.
  • Google focuses on various types of web pages, while Amazon ranks product listings.
  • Amazon's keywords are more product-focused.
  • Google relies on external links more than Amazon. 
  • They have different ways of optimizing listings.

The A10 Algorithm

A different algorithm also guides Amazon, and experts call the latest one A10. The A10 algorithm centers on a wide range of factors this time, from positive and authentic off-site traffic to product reviews. Using fake profiles to earn them will only hit back at you. 

Some of the other factors in the algorithm that influence your rank in Amazon’s search results include:

  • Product impressions
  • Sales authority
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) sales (but not as significant as a factor it used to be)
  • Sales data and history
  • Off-page sales
  • Internal sales
  • Organic sales
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Conversion rates

Now that you've gained some basic understanding of how SEO in Amazon works, we can start breaking down significant points about competitor analysis. Let's see how you can use your competition to build successful branding strategies.

The Essence of Competitor Analysis

A good advice for selling on Amazon is to focus on the unique points of your brand. If that's the case, you might wonder why looking at a competitor matters.

Competitor analysis can be a helpful tool for strategic planning. Evaluating your direct competitors helps you understand what creates the gap between you and them

You'll have an idea of their strategies, whether they're effective or not, what the customers are saying, and more. It provides valuable insights that guide you in discovering new opportunities to stand out in the competition.

How to Conduct Amazon Seller Competitor Analysis Using SEO Factors

Here's a list of essential Amazon SEO factors and best practices to incorporate into your competitor analysis. You can measure some of these crucial SEO aspects with several competitive analysis tools used by Amazon SEO services.

Your Competitor’s Keyword Strategy

A critical part of competitor research is the keywords consumers use to intentionally or unintentionally find your product. With this, you may want to look into the targeted keywords your competitors utilize and conduct research using keyword analysis tools. 

If you're mainly trying to increase brand awareness, ranking for the top relevant keywords for more people to find your brand is important.

Try a couple of terms from your keyword research and investigate the competitors who appear on top. Find out where and how they use the keywords. Do they incorporate some on the product listing title? How often do they use the terms in the descriptions? Are they using exact phrases or variations? 

Once you've gathered all this data, evaluate and adjust your keyword strategy.

Your Competitor’s Product Listing Optimization

Next is to look into your competitors' product listings and audit them. Assess the product listing structure of each of your competitors. List down your observations on the following:

  • How optimized are the listings? What characteristics attract customers to these listings?
  • How is the product title structured? Is it more informative or more promotional? Does it follow Amazon's recommended listing format?
  • Do the listings contain clear, optimized, and relevant images?
  • Do they highlight unique selling points in their listings?
  • How is the content of their product descriptions? Are they helpful and easy to read?
  • Do they answer the consumers' questions in the Q&A sections? If yes, how helpful are these answers? 
  • Look at the product tags as well. Are they relevant and help customers find the right products easier?
a detailed view of a smartphone screen showing some of Amazon Prime's headphone products

Your Competitor's Pricing Strategies

The pricing strategy immensely influences the buyer's purchase decisions, so Amazon sellers try various repricing strategies to win their hearts.

Knowing your competitors' pricing tactics gives you data on how fast they sell products. You can get such information using the necessary analysis tools. Doing so will help you create better sales strategies and improve moving forward.

An important thing to remember is to not go for the cheapest rate. You're using competitive analysis as a reference, which doesn't mean you have to copy every strategy you find. Your plan should also reflect a positive impact on your profit. 

Your Competitor's Reputation Management

Since consumer behavior is a ranking factor in the A10 algorithm, you must pay significant attention to reviews. Product reviews on listings provide ample information for competitor analysis since customer feedback covers everything, from product to service quality. 

Through this, you will know what features of the product your customers love and what they don't. Customers will also talk about the company's customer and delivery services. You should compare your present issues with the data gathered and build a good reputation management strategy. 

Your Competitor's Storefront 

If your competitors have built an Amazon Store, it would be best if you drop by for a virtual visit. Visually appealing stores attract customer attention and increase brand authority faster than those without one. You may want to evaluate your competitor's storefront by its design, product display organization, and other features. 

Your Competitor's Advertising Campaigns

Your competitors' implementation of ad campaigns shows a more in-depth understanding of how they communicate their branding messages to the intended audience. Looking into PPC campaigns also provides valuable insights into which keywords generate the most traffic and conversions. 

You should create a timeline of the keywords' cost-per-click rate, competition level, and search volume using competitor analysis tools. Monitoring these campaigns improves your marketing strategy by keeping up to date with what consumers use to search for products and services like yours.

If you combine all strategies you've researched or turn them into a much better strategy, there is a higher chance of outsmarting your competitors.  

Work With an Amazon SEO Company!

While undoubtedly time-consuming, conducting and reviewing competitor analyses will prove to be a huge advantage for your business in the long run, allowing it to flourish despite the fierce competition and ever-changing market trends.

Does thorough Amazon competitor analysis seem quite daunting for you? Don't panic. An SEO agency with the right Amazon competitor analysis tool and skills will surely lift some weight off your shoulders. 
From keyword research to ad campaigns, Seller Interactive can help you understand the game and gain a competitive edge over your fellow merchants. Find the right ways to be on the top search on Amazon and increase your sales! Give us a call at 1-800-820-3746 today.

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Amazon FBA Fees: The Price Of Selling In The Amazon FBA Program

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is used by 66% of the platform's 2.5 million active Amazon sellers. As an Amazon FBA seller, you can entirely focus on marketing your products. Simultaneously, Amazon will handle the other half of your business—the fulfillment of orders. 

However, one reason new sellers hesitate to join is the Amazon FBA fees for the sellers. This article will discuss how Amazon FBA works, the breakdown of fulfillment costs, and some tips to help you lower them.

How Does Amazon FBA Work?

Amazon FBA's concept is simple. You sell products, and Amazon ships them. Besides order fulfillment, they are responsible for answering customer queries and managing returns. Here's how Amazon FBA works:

1. Your supplier ships the products to an Amazon Fulfillment Center.

2. Amazon will store your products.

3. The customer makes an order.

4. Amazon will pick, pack, and ship the order.

5. Amazon will handle any queries from the customer.

6. Amazon will manage returns assuming the customer isn't satisfied with the order.

In the first step, your supplier will ship the products to an Amazon Fulfillment Center via a freight forwarding firm or pallet shipping. Amazon will then store your products until it gets ordered.

Is Amazon FBA Worth It?

Amazon's Fulfillment Center operates in a highly sophisticated environment. Every fulfillment process is handled there, from start to finish, making it more than just a storage facility. Other than the 250,000 associates working in Fulfillment Centers worldwide, more than 100,000 robotic drive units, palletizers, and robo-stows operate around the area. 

Humans and robots work hand in hand to make the complicated fulfillment method seamless. Aside from the process mentioned above, Amazon FBA sellers can enjoy the following:

FBA is Your Ticket to Prime

Why is it a big deal to have the shiny blue badge? 

You can sell to ready-to-buy customers who love free two-day shipping. FBA products can qualify for Cyber Days and Prime Days as well. In case you're not aware, you must undergo a rigorous process to be Prime-eligible, including joining a waiting list and completing a trial.

Seamless Logistics and Delivery

As a Prime seller, you will surely appreciate Amazon's Fulfillment Centers' capability to manage a high volume of orders. Amazon offers prime shipping, where customers can enjoy fast and free same-day shipping benefits.

Higher Product Ranking

Amazon's A10 algorithm prioritizes FBA product listings over non-FBA products. Apart from this, your product listings have a higher possibility of winning the Buy Box.

Build a Scalable Business

Amazon offers specialized services to help scale your business. You can join different Amazon products, like FBA Small and Light, FBA Subscribe & Save, and Multi-Channel Fulfillment. 

Amazon prime shipping truck

What to Sell On Amazon FBA

Your enrollment in FBA will be all for naught if your product is not promising. How can you build a brand (or an empire!) with a product no one wants? Whether you like it or not, conducting product research is a must. You should accomplish this before creating a professional Amazon seller account—even while just considering selling online. 

One of the easiest ways to choose what to sell on Amazon FBA is through Amazon itself. Look for the best-selling products by going to the Amazon Top Seller section near the bottom of the Homepage. Once you click the link, it will show a selection of viable product ideas. 

Here are qualities of a feasible product idea that you may consider to create a shortlist of profitable products:

  • High demand - This product is often in Amazon's Best Selling or Top Seller section. Find a product that sells at least 300 units per month or roughly ten units per day.
  • Not competitive - Low competition means you have a higher chance of selling. Check out products with an average of 50–100 reviews.
  • Has room for improvement - Select products with only a 3–3.5 star rating but high demand. 
  • Not patented or trademarked - Avoid lawsuits and choose a product without an existing patent or trademark.
  • Easy to sell - No product is "easy" to sell. With this condition, we're talking about a product that won't give you problems in sourcing, importing, and manufacturing.

Besides the criteria above, always set the selling price range between $15–$50 while searching for the perfect product, as this is the "sweet" spot for many Amazon customers. 

After you've figured out what to sell on Amazon FBA, your next task is educating yourself about its fees.

Understanding Amazon FBA Fulfillment Fees 

Don't be scared. The FBA fulfillment fees you will see on Amazon's website are enough for you to run for the hills and never take a look at FBA ever again. As a new Amazon FBA seller, it might be overwhelming initially, but you will soon grow accustomed to the fees as your business progresses. 

Here's a summary of Amazon fulfillment fees you'll eventually get acquainted with:

Seller Central Account Fees

Amazon offers two types of plans: Individual Seller and Professional Seller. 

  • Individual Seller Plan - No monthly fee, but you must pay $0.99 + additional selling fees per item sold. You won't have access to Amazon's advertising tools.
  • Professional Seller Plan - Requires a monthly subscription fee of $39.99 but comes with Amazon's marketing tools and more.

We suggest starting with an Individual Seller plan if you haven't chosen a feasible product idea yet. You can transition to a Professional Seller plan once everything has been laid out.

Inventory Placement Service Fees

Your inventory storage fee depends on how long your items stay at the Amazon Fulfillment Centers:

  • Monthly Inventory Storage Fees - Amazon will house your inventory in their warehouse for a certain amount of storage fee. Monthly storage fees may differ depending on your product size. Standard-size products could range between $0.75 - $2.40 per cubic foot, while oversized products could range between $0.48 - $8.26 per cubic foot.
  • Long-Term Storage Fees - For inventories stored between 365 to 730 days, your monthly inventory fee costs $0.15 per unit or $6.90 per cubic foot, whichever is greater. For 730 days (24 months) beyond, the long-term storage fee is $6.90 per cubic foot or $0.30 fee per unit, whichever is greater.
  • Removal Order Fees - These additional fees are incurred when FBA sellers request that their inventory should be returned or disposed of by Amazon. The fee per unit for removal is $0.50, and the $0.15 fee for disposal.

Aged Inventory Surcharge

The aged inventory surcharge is an additional fee that Amazon may apply to certain items stored in their warehouse for an extended period. The purpose of this surcharge is to encourage sellers to manage their inventory more effectively and prevent excessive amounts of stagnant inventory from occupying valuable warehouse space.

The storage utilization surcharge is typically applied to items that have been in storage for a specific duration, usually between 181 and 365 days. The specific criteria for the surcharge, including the fee amount and eligibility of products, can vary depending on Amazon's policies and guidelines.

Fulfillment Fees

These fees cover the Amazon FBA costs of storing, picking, packing, and shipping the seller's products. They vary based on the product's size, weight, and category.

Return Processing Fee

One downside of being Prime-eligible is that the customer can return an order whenever they want without your consent. The return processing fee is equivalent to the fulfillment fee.

Referral Fees

Amazon referral fees are fees charged by Amazon to sellers for a portion of the total item price sold on their platform. These fees are a percentage of the item's total sales price, including the item price and shipping cost. 

Different categories may have different fee structures, and the percentages can range from a few percent to as high as 45% in some instances. Amazon deducts the greater of the applicable referral fee percentage or applicable per-item minimum fee.

Labeling Fee

If your supplier doesn't label your items with a barcode, Amazon will charge you $0.30 per unit. If a seller chooses this service, Amazon will apply the necessary labels to the products before they are sent to the Amazon centers. This ensures that the products can be identified and tracked within Amazon's system during fulfillment.

Now you know the different Amazon FBA fees. It is a valuable tool that calculates how much you can earn, depending on your chosen product idea. The FBA Calculator also shows the Amazon FBA fee you will pay per-unit basis. 

What are the types of Amazon FBA fees it covers? Let us break it down:

  • Selling on Amazon Fees - Consist of a variable closing fee and referral fee. The latter is only applicable to media products.
  • Total Amazon Fulfillment Cost - This part only concerns the Fulfillment by Amazon fees, calculated based on the item's weight and dimensions.
  • Storage Cost - Pertains to the monthly storage fee of store inventory.

The Amazon fee calculator only calculates upfront costs. There are other fees that you should take note of, as mentioned above. The charges are applied to your Amazon account balance around mid-month.

packing a box of order 

8 Tips to Lower Amazon FBA Fees

Don't let these Amazon fees bring you down. Here are ways to reduce your expenses:

  1. Limit the weight and dimensions of an item. Remember that FBA storage fees are based on these two. 
  2. Try bundling items if applicable. You need to pay fulfillment fees if you sell it separately. Bundled items also make good promotions on Amazon.
  3. Schedule an inventory cleanup. Aged inventories are an eyesore to Amazon, and they will charge you for not selling your products right away. 
  4. Promote a clearance sale for your aged inventories. 
  5. Put your unwanted items up for sale in the Amazon Outlet. This little-known section sells clearance and overstocked items. 
  6. If scaling your business to European countries is not enough, Amazon has an FBA Export program where customers worldwide can buy it. Amazon doesn't charge you for the excess shipping costs.
  7. Prevent Amazon from shipping your product to other fulfillment centers. Amazon "tests the waters" of a particular market, usually another country. The shipping fee is then charged to you. To stop this from happening, create and submit a concrete shipping plan specifying your preferred shipping location to Amazon.
  8. Create Amazon PPC ad campaigns. In Amazon, you don't only have the privilege to sell on its platform, but you can advertise your products with Amazon's tools, like Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Display Ads.


The success of your Amazon FBA business doesn't only depend on how much money you invest in it. It is integral for you to know how Amazon FBA works, so your budding business can quickly adapt to the ever-changing environment of Amazon FBA. 

Be extra cautious in searching for a viable product with high demand and low competition. Always consider ways to save yourself from drowning in Amazon fees; try the tips above to reduce your costs.
Talk to us here at Seller Interactive! We have a team of expert Amazon consultants willing to help and guide you through the ins and outs of Amazon FBA. For inquiries, email [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you!

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How to Drive Traffic to Amazon Listing and Boost Your Sales

Selling on Amazon is like a showdown between David and Goliath. Unfortunately, you’re contending with the e-commerce behemoth and 9.7 million other sellers worldwide. With so many sellers and products on the platform, gaining traffic to your Amazon listings is challenging.

If you want to boost sales on Amazon, driving external traffic to your product listings is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll share how to drive traffic to Amazon listing and how Amazon product launch services can help boost brand awareness.

Tips to Drive External Traffic to Your Amazon Listings

Are you a newbie Amazon seller? Did you know that Amazon has a built-in system where you can create ads and post them inside the marketplace? This system is called Amazon Advertising, although it was once known as Amazon Marketing Services.

Amazon Marketing Services is an umbrella term for various Amazon services, such as Amazon Sponsored Display Ads, Sponsored Ads, and Headline Search Ads. These services will help you drive traffic to your listings and increase sales.

But widening your reach and seeking potential customers off Amazon will give you an even greater advantage. Here are some tips on driving external traffic to your Amazon listings:

  1. Optimize Your Product Listings

A poorly made listing is the surest way to lose customers and sales. Visiting a product detail page with awful-looking images and poorly written descriptions is a big turn-off. Buyers will not think twice about leaving your page in an instant.

If you’re aiming to gain better organic rankings and send traffic to your Amazon store, here are some tips to optimize your product page: 

  • Include relevant keywords in your product titles. 
  • Always include the brand name and manufacturer number on your product titles if you sell branded products
  • Incorporate at least one unique selling point that differentiates you from other Amazon sellers.
  • Make your product description compelling by describing how your products address customers’ problems. 
  • Use high-quality product photos only. 
a bar graph showing the leading social media platforms that contribute to traffic to Amazon, from left to right: YouTube (58.1%), Facebook (12.36%), Twitter (10.54%), Reddit (8.09%), Whatsapp (2.25%).
  1. Offer Your Products on Social Media

Which social media platform will help you drive more traffic? Surprisingly, the answer is YouTube, which has a 51.82% share of Amazon’s social traffic, based on the stats from Statista. Following it are Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, and Reddit.

Why is YouTube one of the most favorable advertising platforms for brands? In the last quarter of 2020, the global advertising revenue of YouTube was over $6.8 billion, according to Statista. That is a billion-dollar increase from the third quarter of 2020.

So, how do you drive external traffic to your Amazon listings through social media? One effective way is through influencer marketing. You can partner with influencers on YouTube, Facebook, or TikTok to promote your products on their social media accounts. Before you work with an influencer, ensure that your niche and brand goals are aligned.

  a graphic showing tips to drive traffic to product listings, from top to bottom: optimize product listings, offer products on social media, use facebook and google ads, use email marketing, and use referral marketing.
  1. Use Facebook and Google Ads

Social media ads on Facebook and Instagram can help you drive external traffic to your Amazon listing. Facebook is next to YouTube in terms of its share of Amazon’s social traffic. If you have a Facebook page and an ad account, you can start creating Facebook ad campaigns to promote your product and direct them to your Amazon store.

Aside from social media marketing, you can also use Google ads (formerly Google Adwords) to drive more traffic to your product listings. If you’re unfamiliar with choosing the right keywords for your Google ads, you can use Google's free keyword planner.

Alternatively, you can also work with an agency. They can help you choose the right keywords, identify the most common customer searches, optimize your landing page, and achieve good and organic rankings on the search engine results page.

  1. Use Email Marketing

One of the benefits of including off-Amazon advertising in your Amazon FBA launch service is that you can try different marketing strategies such as email marketing. Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is not yet dead, and people are still addicted to emails. 

Statista predicts that in 2025 the number of email users worldwide will be 4.6 billion, much higher than the 4.1 billion email users in 2021. So yes, email is here to stay, folks. But sending a one-time marketing email to potential customers isn’t enough.

It is best to mix it with retargeting or sending marketing email messages several times until the prospective buyer gives in. Ensure that your emails still provide value to your prospective customers without being pushy.

  1. Let Customers Sell Your Products

Yes, this is possible, and it is called referral marketing. It’s different from “word of mouth marketing,” which is free. In referral marketing, you incentivize customers with freebies, discounts, or rewards to encourage them to promote your products to their families, colleagues, and friends.

For example, you can encourage shoppers to post their feedback about your product on their social media accounts, and they will get discounts or other rewards on their next purchase. You can also share user-generated content on your own website and social media profiles to engage potential customers and drive external traffic to your listings.

Reasons to Leverage External Traffic Through an Amazon Launch Service

Now that you know how to drive external traffic to your product listings, let’s examine whether using Amazon Marketing Services is enough to drive traffic. Usually, most Amazon sellers prefer to hire a third-party service provider that offers an Amazon launch service.

Sellers know that a tiny misstep could ruin their online business and cost them a lot of money. An Amazon product launch service aims to promote brand awareness and drive traffic to your listing, especially when you have a relatively new product.

However, some sellers exclude driving external traffic to Amazon in their product launch strategy. Why? It’s expensive and complicated to plan and execute. As a result, sellers may settle with the advertising tools within the Amazon ecosystem.

But using the advertising tools on Amazon alone has a few drawbacks. Here are some of them:

  1. Cutthroat Competition

Based on data from Marketplace Pulse, there are 6.3 million registered Amazon sellers in 2021. Imagine how many were added to that number now that it’s 2023. This number proves how tight the competition within the Amazon marketplace is.

Amazon Advertising allows sellers to create Sponsored Product ads that appear in related shopping results and product pages. For example, other Amazon sellers can put Sponsored Product ads on your product listing. Amazon allows this kind of “healthy” competition among its sellers.

This means when you drive traffic to your Amazon listing, other sellers can steal your prospective buyers’ attention with their ads placed on your product pages.

  1. Customization Restrictions 

Amazon Advertising also placed some restrictions on how you can display ads on their platform. For example, they don’t allow promotional messaging such as “Hurry while supplies last,” “Huge savings,” or “Save 50%.”

If you don’t comply with this, they will suspend your listing or kick you out of their marketplace. If you’re serious about driving traffic to your Amazon listing, you must be innovative without breaking Amazon’s ad policies.

  1. Email Marketing is Off-Limits

Email marketing is not dead, and it has the power in driving external traffic to your Amazon listing. But what if it’s not allowed in Amazon Advertising?

An email list is useful in communicating with your customers and gives you the freedom to market your products directly. But you can’t build an email list on Amazon. Or, rather, Amazon doesn’t allow this kind of practice.

With this limitation, you may have to turn to non Amazon marketing efforts, like using external traffic channels such as social media to drive more traffic to your listing.

  1. Built-In Contingency Plan

Aside from having internal traffic, which Amazon provides sellers, gathering external traffic helps future-proof your business. Let’s say you’ve accidentally breached Amazon’s policies and got suspended.

You can still sell your products outside the marketplace through social media platforms or the online store you developed. In short, you have a backup plan.

In Closing

Never put all your eggs in one basket. This saying holds true when launching a new product on Amazon. It would help if you tried driving external traffic from various sources where you can be more creative and flexible. 

Ensure that the Amazon launch service you’ve paid for supports this advertising strategy to reap the benefits of paid external traffic. This way, people will know your new product not only inside the Amazon marketplace but also outside it. More importantly, you will achieve your ultimate goal of higher organic sales and ranking high in the largest online marketplace on Earth.Do you want an effective Amazon product launch? Seller Interactive offers the best launch service that will help you put your product listings on the first page of Amazon. Contact us today to get a free audit of your Amazon account.

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Amazon Demand-Side Platform: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

In the competitive digital marketplace, leveraging the power of the Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP) can be a game-changer for your business. AAP, now known as the Amazon demand-side platform (DSP), is a service for display and video ads. By utilizing this advanced program, you can gain access to Amazon's vast audience through various third-party sites.

Delving into the world of DSP provides numerous benefits, like precise targeting and improved return on investment. From desktop and mobile web display ads, mobile banner ads, and video ads, you can reach out to your target audience within Amazon and outside the platform through the ecommerce giant's affiliate sites. 

With the right strategy, leveraging DSP can help you tap into a broader audience base, strengthen your brand presence, and ultimately boost your sales on the platform.

An Overview of the Amazon Demand-Side Platform 

The Amazon demand-side platform is a powerful tool that helps you maximize the visibility of your products on one of the largest online marketplaces. This programmatic display advertising program enables you to relax knowing that your advertising campaigns are automatically taken care of.

Through the Amazon DSP, you expand your audience from customers using the Amazon platform to those who are surfing outside it. The Amazon DSP allows you to access and manage inventory on various third-party websites and apps owned by Amazon or its partners.

When using Amazon DSP, you have two options:

  1. Managed-Service Option: If you are willing to spend at least $50,000 (the minimum that may vary per country), the managed-service option is for you. This investment lets experts or agencies handle your campaigns for you, so that you can enjoy the benefits of DSP without the headaches.
  2. Self-Service Option: The self-service option allows you to manage, maintain, and update your ad campaigns on the platform by yourself.

By leveraging Amazon DSP, you can enhance your brand's visibility, reach a broader audience, and ultimately drive more sales for your products on the Amazon Marketplace.

Different Ad Formats

When it comes to the Amazon DSP, knowing the variety of ad formats and devices is crucial. This section will explore the different ad formats you can use separately or simultaneously to maximize your reach and increase your sales.

an asset showing the Different DSP Ad Formats

Image Ads

Amazon Image Ads are a type of ad featured within the Amazon DSP. They are visually engaging display ads on Amazon's websites and apps, promoting products through compelling images and concise text. 

Web Display Ads appear on desktop and laptop devices, allowing you to target users on Amazon-owned platforms like IMDb and Goodreads and Amazon product detail pages. These ads come in various formats and sizes, offering flexibility when designing your creatives. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Design your ad with high-quality visuals to capture users' attention.
  • Customize these ads, optimizing them for various devices, placements, and audience segments.
  • Use bold text to highlight essential information and make it stand out.
  • Implement tables and bullet points if necessary to present information effectively.

Image ads leverage Amazon's vast customer data to target specific audiences, increasing relevance and effectiveness.

Audio and Video Ads

In addition to display ads, Amazon DSP offers video and audio ads to broaden your advertising reach. With a growing number of customers consuming content through video and audio platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Music, and Audible, incorporating these ads into your campaign can help you connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

Video ads can be integrated within Amazon's website or external platforms, getting your brand message across through audiovisual content. Audio ads, on the other hand, will reach customers on streaming services, making your brand's presence felt in everyday listening activities. 

Native Ads

Native Ads, a type of ad within the Amazon DSP, seamlessly blend into the surrounding content, providing a non-disruptive and integrated advertising experience. Designed to match the look and feel of the platform on which they appear, Native Ads are highly contextual and relevant to the user's interests, increasing engagement and conversion potential. These ads can be displayed across various Amazon properties, like product detail pages and search results, reaching a targeted audience based on their behavior and preferences.

Responsive eCommerce Ads

Responsive eCommerce Ads utilize machine learning algorithms and creative assets from brands to automatically optimize their appearance based on customer behavior and preferences. 

This format enables advertisers to include the Shop Now, Add to Cart, or Coupon buttons to make the customer purchase process faster. Add a product review posted on your Amazon store to boost your brand credibility.

Streaming Studio Ads

Streaming TV Studio Ads are premium, high-quality video ads displayed on Amazon's streaming TV devices and services. These ads are professionally produced, ensuring viewers a compelling and immersive experience. 

Advertisers can leverage Amazon's audience insights to target specific demographics and interests, reaching engaged audiences on popular streaming platforms. Streaming TV Studio Ads offers brands a powerful way to showcase their products or services through captivating storytelling and visuals, maximizing brand visibility and driving user engagement in the growing realm of connected TV advertising.

Third-Party Ads

Third-Party Ads are display and video ads served on Amazon's websites and apps through external advertising partners. These ads are not directly created or managed by Amazon but are delivered by third-party advertisers using Amazon's advertising platform. 

Advertisers can leverage third-party data to target specific audiences and optimize their ad campaigns. This format enables external advertisers to tap into Amazon's vast customer base and access its sophisticated targeting capabilities, providing a broader reach and potential for increased conversions within the Amazon e-commerce ecosystem.

Amazon page on a mobile phone showing Prime Day ads with a laptop screen showing Prime Day ads too on the background

Maximizing Amazon DSP’s Effectiveness

As an Amazon seller, maximizing the effectiveness of Amazon DSP is crucial to driving traffic and sales to your products. To achieve this, it's critical to analyze the data provided by Amazon DSP, be aware of your audience, find the right keywords and targeting options, and continuously optimize your campaigns. Let's get into the details below.

Set Campaign Specifics

Decide on the essential elements of your Amazon campaign. Think about the campaign name, budget, and schedule. 

  • Campaign Name: Think of something creative and remarkable. A good campaign name can drive results and allow you to create thousands of ads. You can brainstorm with a team, look for trending ideas, or use one if you already have a list of ideas.
  • Campaign Budget: Select an ad solution that you can afford. Even if ads are your current priority, remember that you still have to spend on other aspects of your business. Keep this in mind while deciding how your campaign will look like.
  • Campaign Schedule: Consistency is key to a successful campaign and business. Set up your ads' fixed start and end dates to avoid overspending unnecessary amounts.

Audience Targeting and Awareness

Focusing on audience targeting and awareness is essential to get the most out of Amazon DSP. With Amazon DSP, you can utilize Amazon's rich dataset to reach potential customers at multiple stages of the purchase funnel, from initial understanding to final purchase.

With Amazon DSP, your ads can appear on targeted ad placements in Amazon-owned platforms like Prime Video, Twitch, and Fire TV. Through this, you can increase brand awareness and reach users on various devices, including Android and iOS.

Some key points to consider are:

  • To identify key audience segments for your brand.
  • To target specific groups based on interests, demographics, and purchase history.
  • To utilize lookalike audience targeting to reach similar consumers.

Visual Enhancement

Visual media is always necessary when a brand tries to make an impact on its target audience. Choosing your words wisely helps, but sometimes words are not enough. Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) is the Amazon service that offers many types of visual content for better customer engagement. Utilize its offers to enhance your ads.

Focus on Elements That Work

Identify which products need the most optimization. With AMS's available data on brand performance, classify your products according to popularity, conversions, performance, and click-through rates. This way, you can spend more time and money on advertising products that work. 

Optimization and Retargeting

Once you have established your target audience, focus on optimization and retargeting to maximize the effectiveness of your Amazon DSP campaigns. Implement programmatic ads to automate the ad buying process and optimize in real time. This will ensure your ad budget is allocated to the highest-performing placements, improving your chances of generating revenue.

Test creative elements, ad formats, and messaging to determine what resonates with your target audiences. Regularly assess your campaigns' performances using metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Use retargeting techniques to re-engage potential customers who have clicked your ads and visited your listing or store but have yet to be converted into a sale. Remarket your products to these users with dynamic ads, presenting pertinent information based on their previous interactions, search results, and browsing history.

In summary:

  • Employ programmatic ads for real-time optimization.
  • Test and evaluate various ad elements and messaging.
  • Implement retargeting strategies to re-engage potential customers.
Amazon advertising logo on a mobile phone placed on top of a laptop keyboard

Alternative Advertising Platforms

This section will discuss some alternative advertising platforms and compare them to Amazon DSP. These alternatives include Amazon Marketing Services, some pay-per-click (PPC) and cost per impression (CPM) programs, and Facebook Ads.

Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)

Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), now known as Amazon Sponsored Ads, is another option Amazon provides for advertisers. It comprises a suite of PPC advertising options, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads. You can leverage AMS to improve your product visibility on Amazon, ultimately driving sales and conversions.

Unlike Amazon DSP, AMS focuses on advertising within the Amazon platform using various ads, from headline search ads to banner ads. This means you are targeting already-existing Amazon shoppers with a higher purchase intent, which can lead to better conversion rates.

PPC and CPM Programs

Consider other PPC (pay-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-mille) programs when looking for alternative advertising platforms. These options allow you to bid on ad placements across various third-party websites, potentially expanding your reach beyond Amazon's audience. Some well-known platforms include Google Ads and The Trade Desk.

PPC and CPM programs typically offer the following benefits:

  • Audience Reach: Access to extensive networks of third-party websites, serving display and video ads to various target audiences.
  • Flexible Budgeting: Set your ad budget and bid amounts based on your marketing objectives and available resources.

However, remember that managing multiple advertising platforms might require more time and effort, as each platform has unique features and strategies.

Facebook Ads

Another popular advertising platform is Facebook Ads, which allows you to reach a vast audience on both Facebook and Instagram. As with Amazon DSP, Facebook Ads target users based on their interests, behavior, and demographics.

Some key differences between Amazon DSP and Facebook Ads include the following:

  • Platform Environment: Facebook offers an inherently social experience, which means that your advertising might have the potential for higher engagement and interactions than display ads on third-party websites through Amazon DSP.
  • Creative Options: Facebook Ads allow for various ad formats and creative options, such as Carousel, Collection, and Instant Experience ads, providing more opportunities to engage with your target audience.

Exploring various advertising platforms is essential to find the best fit for your brand and marketing goals. Each platform offers unique benefits and reaches different audiences. Make sure to compare the advertising opportunities provided by each platform and choose the one that meets your needs and objectives.

Stay Continuously Updated About Amazon DSP

It is crucial for businesses to continuously stay updated on platform updates to market their ads and maximize their revenue effectively. Amazon is dedicated to giving only the best to customers, pushing businesses to rebrand and make changes now and then. Here are ways to check for new features and updates that can provide new opportunities for businesses to improve their advertising strategies.

Contact an Amazon Account Executive

If you are looking for more information or support, contact an Amazon Ads account executive. They can answer your questions, provide consultation services, and guide you through setting up your campaigns. Remember, the managed-service option for Amazon DSP typically requires a minimum spend of $50,000, so you should be aware of this when reaching out.

Nevertheless, note that there are more affordable alternatives like delegating the tasks to a third-party agency. These agencies offer assistance particularly for Amazon DSP, and other services you might need to manage your Amazon store.

You can also learn the ropes of Amazon DSP yourself. Here, instead of money, your investment will be effort and time. Resources and webinars are readily available on the Amazon website in case you think this is the best option for you. 

Amazon DSP Blog

To stay updated with the latest news, insights, and best practices, it's essential to read and follow the Amazon Ads blog. This resource can help you:

  • Build your Amazon Ads expertise.
  • Access valuable resources for advertisers.
  • Discover success stories and tips from other businesses using Amazon DSP.

When exploring the blog, watch for articles about various aspects of the Amazon Advertising Platform, such as product display ads, targeting strategies, and measuring your campaign's performance. This continuous learning process can help you make informed decisions to optimize your advertising efforts on Amazon DSP.

Amazon Demand-Side Platform Assistance From Seller Interactive

The Amazon DSP is a game-changer for businesses in today's competitive digital marketplace. Leveraging the power of the Amazon DSP can help strengthen brand presence, help your business tap into a broader audience base, and ultimately boost your sales on the platform.

The platform offers different ad formats and devices which allow you to reach potential customers more effectively.

To maximize its effectiveness, focus on audience targeting and awareness, optimization, and retargeting, and continuously stay updated on changes and updates to the platform. Utilizing Amazon DSP’s resources and seeking assistance from Amazon Ads account executives and digital marketing agencies like Seller Interactive can also bring immense value to your advertising strategy. Call us today.

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What Can an Amazon Seller Central Account Manager Do for You?

So, you’ve decided to join the great Amazon marketplace and have been dedicated to growing your business since day one. Despite your best efforts, you still find yourself struggling with the competition. You try figuring out what you might’ve missed or lacked, but everything seems all over the place.

You might feel like it’s all over for you, but don’t fret so early! There is a dedicated person who can help when you feel like you can’t manage your seller account independently. Struggling might be a sign that you need help from an Amazon Seller Central account manager

Given the unique nature of each brand’s business strategy, it is vital to know the following: what exactly does an Amazon account manager do? Do they have the abilities you need to step up in the marketplace? Finally, how will you know if they can handle Amazon account management for you? 

This article will answer all of these critical questions and more.

What Is an Amazon Seller Central Account Manager?

Seller Central account managers are professionals who support and guide Amazon sellers on the Amazon marketplace. Their account management services include new seller account registration, search engine optimization (SEO), product listing management, and Brand Registry and Protection application.

These services aim to help sellers scale their businesses and maximize their resources to boost their sales. With their expertise and experience, they can save time and avoid costly mistakes, leading to greater success on the ecommerce platform.

There are a few options for getting a dedicated account manager.

  • Independent Managers: These independent managers can be found on freelancing websites.
  • Amazon Agencies: Agencies offering Amazon seller account management services have teams of professionals with the necessary skills and experience for their designated tasks.
  • Strategic Account Services (SAS) Core Program: This Amazon program assigns SAS core account managers to Amazon vendors to thrive in their business. All you need is an active professional selling account to be eligible for the program.

9 Benefits of Having an Amazon Seller Account Manager

Besides the account management duties mentioned above, they can also assist in other areas of your business. Below is a detailed breakdown of what makes up the role of an Amazon Seller Central account manager. 

1) Helps You Skip the Learning Curve

Let’s start with the obvious. Hiring Amazon full account management allows you to skip the learning curve and avoid making rookie mistakes. Because of account managers’ expertise in the field, they know basic and advanced policies and can deal with any mistakes promptly. 

They can also advise you on some challenges you might encounter as a new Amazon seller. Without them, you might find it hard to run your store, leading to revenue loss and destructive situations.

2) Launches Your Amazon Store

You might still need to become familiar with the Amazon marketplace, so having your own account manager when you start is wise. In this case, you and the manager will first discuss creating an Amazon account. Then, they will ask you about specific business information such as your type, goals, preferences, and more.

To them, getting your business up and running means focusing on these aspects:

  • Amazon Listing Setup and Management: This process can successfully boost your brand’s identity by understanding the platform's algorithm, identifying relevant search keywords, and optimizing product content.
  • Google SEO: Premium account management services in Amazon also include optimizing for both Amazon and Google search engines. This way, you can rank for both prominent platforms.
  • Product Preparation: An Amazon Seller Central account manager sets up campaigns to increase product visibility before your long-awaited product launch. They also take charge of inventory management to ensure you have enough stock for your buyers.

3) Plans Comprehensive Strategies

Amazon account managers create a comprehensive ecommerce strategy based on your discussion. This strategy aims to identify the gaps and opportunities for growth in the ecommerce business.

If you already have a business plan, you can share it with the manager and look at where to improve. From now on, they will manage your account and help you get closer to your goals, reducing the burden of navigating the platform yourself.

4) Gives You Account Updates and Recommendations

Regular monitoring and updates for your ecommerce business can be challenging if done independently. An experienced account manager inside Amazon sees to it that you’re aligned with your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. 

The manager also provides expert advice on vital parts of the Amazon business plan. These are, but not limited to, the following:

  • Fulfillment 
  • Account Health
  • Third-Party Sellers
  • Inventory and Logistics Management
  • Selection
  • Conversion Growth 
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Shipping Management
  • Global Expansion

With important business information, the manager can determine what actions you’ll need to take next. 

5) Crafts Innovative but Suitable Marketing Strategies

Several companies use already proven and effective marketing strategies in the business world. But to be different and unique, some of them look for advertising agencies to bring their ecommerce brand to the front of their target market.

The best Amazon seller account managers are experts in developing innovative marketing tactics. From product listings to running targeted PPC campaigns, they can help you differentiate your business in a crowded marketplace and reach a wider audience.

6) Guides You in Mastering Amazon Selling Partners

Amazon selling is a lucrative opportunity that requires learning about Selling Partners. It’s a program designed to help businesses manage their operations in the marketplace. While it can be difficult to get started, Amazon provides a wealth of resources and tools for ecommerce stores to quickly set up their selling account. 

Everybody significantly impacts a business, but seller account managers are the driving force behind Amazon's Selling Partners. They are in charge of driving business growth and providing a positive experience through their program.

7) Finds Custom-Tailored Solutions for Your Business Problems

Just like education, businesses don’t work with the one-size-fits-all ideology. Businesses don’t have the same models, products, and circumstances. Therefore, each company will need varied strategies and solutions to problems.

If you are not knowledgeable about the proper techniques, you might make the wrong choice, wasting your time and resources. But you can prevent this from happening with the help of Amazon seller account managers. They have worked in various industries, allowing them to find out which strategies work best, all while tailor-fitting them to your business.

8) Provides Tips to Increase Your Income

Generating immediate profits on Amazon is not always easy. But this should be fine, as it is a common challenge among sellers on the platform. One way to overcome this hurdle is to work with a Seller Central account manager. They can offer valuable insights and expert advice on maximizing your revenue potential through on-Amazon and off-Amazon marketing.

9) Handles Your Reimbursement Process

Don't forget your reimbursements. Every penny matters, and prioritizing it can significantly impact your bottom line. 

Fortunately, an Amazon account manager will help you with your refunds. You’ll no longer have to wait for days for a customer service response. An expert can get your money back in no time.

8 Seller Tools for Better Amazon Account Management

With the continuous growth of your Amazon account, it's essential to use various seller tools to maintain your account's health and achieve long-term success. Some are already available on the Amazon Seller Central dashboard, but other tools can streamline and expedite the work.

Here are 8 seller tools Amazon managers use to optimize your selling experience.

1) Product Research Tools

Product research tools give access to data-backed customer insights, detailed product statistics, price history, and other comprehensive data that can help you make informed decisions. With this data at your disposal, you can confidently approach manufacturers or suppliers without hesitation.

Notable Tools: Helium 10, Zoof, Jungle Scout, Seller App, Unicorn Smasher

2) Keyword and Analysis Tools

These tools can help you specify new and high-ranking keywords, track changes in keyword popularity, and optimize your listings. They can also provide performance metrics on your and your competitor's keywords.

Notable Tools: SEMrush, Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, Keyword Tool, Moz Keyword Explorer

3) Inventory Management Tools

Although the right tool for your business depends on multiple factors (e.g., inventory size, frequent changes, platforms), all inventory management software shares some basic features, such as tracking stock levels, setting reorder points, and generating reports. With these on hand, meeting your customer’s demands will be easy.

Notable Tools: Zoho Inventory Management, QuickBooks Commerce, InventoryLab, Ordoro, SkuVault

4) Competitor Analysis Tools

Use competitor analysis tools to stand out among 9.7 million Amazon sellers and gain a larger share of the market. They help track competitors' online activity, target keywords, and advertising budgets. The best part is they identify your weaknesses for necessary changes.

Notable Tools: ZonGuru, AMZ Tracker, Sellics, Owler, SE Ranking

5) Repricing Tools

Repricing tools automatically monitor your competitor's prices and adjust your prices accordingly. They offer features such as price history tracking and margin analysis. These can ensure that your prices are always competitive, guaranteeing more sales.

Notable Tools: BQool, Aura, RepricerExpress, Seller Snap, Teikametrics

6) PPC Management Tools

Even though Amazon's very own Campaign Manager is helpful, its features might be limited if you run several campaigns. Amazon PPC management is best for setting up, monitoring, managing, and optimizing your ads more conveniently.

Notable Tools: Helium 10, Sellics by Perpetua, BidX, Sellozo, PPC Entourage

7) Refund and Reimbursement Tools

Many sellers neglect refunds and reimbursements, leading to lengthy processing times. This is critical to Amazon’s business growth strategies, so finding the right tool to track your refunds and reimbursements is necessary. Doing so can help prevent financial losses.

Notable Tools: Refund Retriever, Rebaid, AMZReimburse, Helium 10’s Refund Genie, Refundly

8) Feedback and Review Management Tools

Resolve your lack of reviews with the help of feedback and review management tools. They will automatically send review requests to Amazon customers who recently purchased from your store. Also, some tools will notify you of negative reviews so that you can address them immediately.

Notable Tools: FeedbackExpress, AMZFinder, FeedbackFive, SageMailer, xSellco

Proven Tips From Account Managers To Drive Sales

Knowledgeable Amazon account managers know that success requires more than just listing products and waiting for customers to come. A well-planned approach is necessary to attract customers and boost sales.

Here are some valuable tips provided by account managers to grow your online presence in the Amazon marketplace:

  • Get the packaging right: Each country has its product packaging requirements. Non-compliance with these protocols will put your products at risk of confiscation by customs—putting your products, capital, time, and effort to waste.
  • Invest in branding strategies: An effective sales framework based on excellent branding and a loyal customer base will put an online business on the map and turn it into a household name.
  • Pricing matters: Do thorough price research within your niche. Don’t play with numbers, going too high or too low from the standard range. Pricing your items too high will quickly drive shoppers away, and pricing it too low will jeopardize your profits. 
  • Follow Amazon’s rules: Read all the guidelines to avoid penalizing yourself for violating Amazon's selling rules. If unauthorized sellers target you, you may consider enrolling under Amazon’s Brand Protection program.
  • Practice good customer service: Most shoppers value good customer service more than the product and price. So, make it a habit to respond to every customer inquiry and feedback as soon as possible.
  • Consider Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): FBA will take care of all the crucial daily operations, which include customer service, delivery, refunds, and returns. This will give you more time to focus on your business.
  • Win the Buy Box: The Buy Box is responsible for more than 80% of sales on the platform. It means most shoppers don’t bother looking at other sellers and make the purchase immediately. 
  • Produce Excellent Visuals: Product images must be at least 1000 pixels and taken with a plain white background. An original and high-quality image can build trust and help buyers easily zoom in on the details.

Final Word

Working with an Amazon account manager can benefit your business in many ways, from listing creation to inventory management. These people are guaranteed experts willing to tend to any of your ecommerce concerns, after all. 

But do remember that you also have your responsibilities as an Amazon seller. They’re not assigned to solve everything for you, so you must cooperate reasonably. Build a good relationship with your account manager, and look forward to a successful business together.

You can start this journey with Seller Interactive. We offer full account management services for Amazon at a reasonable price. 

Reach us at [email protected] and start your business’s growth today!

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Seller Question: What Should I Do If My Product Is Not Selling on Amazon?

Given its vast customer base, global reach, and streamlined logistics, you are likely well aware of how lucrative Amazon marketplaces are. But the road to success is not always smooth, and not all ecommerce businesses experience the desired results. This leads many sellers to ponder, “What should I do if my product is not selling on Amazon?”

Don’t worry! We’re here to shed light on this predicament and offer actionable strategies to help you turn the tides in your favor.

My Product is Not Selling on Amazon: The 6 Roadblocks to Amazon Selling and How to Fix Them

Whether you’re a first-time Amazon seller or a seasoned veteran, experiencing periods of slow sales is common in the dynamic world of ecommerce. Perhaps you’re missing something, and it’s okay to admit that.

But it’s never too late to turn things around and revitalize your overall performance on Amazon. The key lies in understanding the underlying causes of your stagnant sales. Here are six reasons your product may not sell as expected and how you can resolve them.

1. Your Product Reviews Are Unsatisfactory

Amazon lauds itself as a customer-centric company. That is why product reviews come from customers and are one of Amazon's metrics to assess the quality and popularity of your offerings.

Positive reviews are valuable assets as they indicate that your product is gaining traction and receiving free publicity from satisfied customers. But it can also be a double-edged sword. On the other side stand customers who give one to three-star ratings, which can hurt your business.

Negative reviews can stem from the following reasons:

infographic poster - 4 Reasons for Unsatisfactory Product Reviews

Potential customers may avoid buying your product once they notice it has only a few stars. They may even filter results with only four- to five-star ratings, leaving out offers with lower ratings.

Solution: Be Consistent in Providing a Good Customer Experience 

Don’t even think about paying someone to help you get stellar ratings and positive reviews, or you may face dire consequences like account suspension. Amazon only wants authentic reviews from customers who purchased the item. 

One way to get better product reviews is to respond to negative reviews in public. Terrifying? Yes. Necessary? Absolutely. Try to take a stance on the issue. Tell the irate customer how to solve the problem and promise it won’t happen again. When you approach it like this, it lessens the issue’s impact and shows that you care about your customers. If you get lucky, they might change their review and rating of their own will.

Another possible solution is to request Amazon to delete the negative review. Do this only if you’re confident that the customer didn’t follow Amazon’s community guidelines regarding product reviews. Simply bring this up to Amazon by clicking “Report Abuse” at the bottom of the review.

2. You’re Not Advertising Your Products

Amazon sellers like you won't stand out in the cluttered marketplace if you only focus on product listing optimization. Advertising must also not be overlooked. Otherwise, you risk missing out on significant opportunities to achieve consistent sales, connect with a broader audience, and build your brand identity on the platform.

Solution: Leverage Amazon PPC Campaigns

Break through the noise by advertising products through Amazon PPC campaigns: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays. 

Let's differentiate each one.

Sponsored ProductSponsored Brand Sponsored Display
Your ad appears within the shopping results, at the top of the search results page, and on product pages. Use this to promote your low-converting product listings.Your ad displays your brand logo, custom headline, and three product listings you want to advertise. It has the same ad placement as Sponsored Products. Your ad promotes your products even outside Amazon Marketplace. It's a self-service display ad with three targeting options: views targeting, product targeting, and interest targeting.

Always keep your products on the buyer's radar with Amazon Sponsored Ad campaigns. For Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, you must win the bidding game to grab the top spot or at least land on the first page of the search results. Meanwhile, Sponsored Display relies on browsing and buying signals to reach customers.

3. Your Pricing Is Not Competitive

Contrary to popular belief, lowering your price doesn't always give you a competitive edge. In fact, it can lead to a race to the bottom. When sellers constantly lower rates, it can create a price-centric environment where margins are squeezed, and profitability becomes challenging. 

This approach devalues the customers’ perception of your product and brand. They may question its quality, reliability, or long-term value. Plus, once you've established a reputation for being the lowest-priced option, it can be difficult to raise prices in the future without losing buyers.

Solution: Research Your Competitor’s Pricing Strategies

So what is the "best price" according to Amazon's standards? It depends on your strategy. But regardless of your approach, a thorough analysis of your competitor's pricing strategy must be your first step.

Use Amazon's search features to find products similar to yours and take note of their sales prices. Consider product quality, features, and customer reviews when comparing your competitors' products. These components will help you position your products effectively in the marketplace and identify trends within your market niche.

In addition to competition analysis, these strategies will also help you with your selling:

Pricing Strategies
💲Repricing: This strategy is suitable if you want to compete with the lowest-priced product similar to yours. 
You can do this manually or use a tool to adjust the price dynamically.
📦Getting the Buy Box: It involves certain factors such as average shipping time, number of returns, number of replacements, number of cancellations, and your seller rating. 
Keep the price components at a minimum value.
🏷️Stable Pricing: This is applicable if you aim to build a long-term presence on Amazon. 
But make some exceptions when launching a new product or during the holiday season.
Note: Before developing a pricing strategy, ensure it follows the Amazon Marketplace Fair Pricing Policy to avoid infractions.

4. Your Amazon Product Detail Page Is Not Retail-Ready

What is a retail-ready product detail page? It means your product listing is ready for display on Amazon Marketplace. It ensures the customer will have a positive experience and find the correct information to make an informed buying decision. It is your initial investment in various advertising opportunities.

Unfortunately, many sellers neglect the importance of boosting their detail page. They think sales and discounts are the only factors driving purchases. Little do they know that a poorly optimized product detail page can confuse potential Amazon shoppers, leading to lost sales and a negative perception of your brand.

Solution: Optimize Your Product Listings

Avoid losing sales through Amazon listing optimization. Here’s your checklist to improve your product detail page on the platform.

Product Title

  • The title should accurately describe your product and entice the customer to click on it.
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word. 
  • Ensure you have no broken links and the customer ends up on the right product page. 

Key Features

  • Follow the “Show; Don’t Tell” strategy when creating the key features of your product.
  • Summarize the benefits and features of your product in bullet points.
  • Use relevant keywords when writing your product descriptions.

Product Photos

  • The product should fill 80–100% of the image frame.
  • The background must be pure white (RGB = 255, 255, 255). 
  • Show the entire product and not only a part of it. 
  • The allowed image formats are JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg), PNG (.png), GIF (.gif), and TIFF (.tif/.tiff). 
  • Don’t put texts, inset images, or graphics inside the frame.

Product Reviews

  • Use the Early Reviewer Program to encourage recent buyers to post authentic reviews. 
  • Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to protect your brand and gain access to additional review management tools. 

5. You Don’t Know Your Search Intent

In today's digital landscape, the search bar has become the primary gateway between potential customers and your offerings, making it crucial to align your product listings with their intent. Insufficient research, a lack of product relevancy, and disregarding search trends can all contribute to missed opportunities and reduced sales. 

Solution: Perform Keyword Research and Search Optimization

Invest time and effort into keyword research and search optimization. This way, you won’t miss the chance to strengthen your organic ranking on search engines and attract potential buyers.

With keyword research, you can identify the terms and phrases that potential customers use when searching for products or services like yours. Furthermore, understanding search volume and competition for specific keywords empowers you to optimize your content accordingly. 

Here are actionable steps to make it happen:

  1. Select Relevant Keywords

Identify high search volume terms closely related to your products. Various keyword research tools are available to help you find the best search terms. Consider synonyms, common misspellings, and alternative terms your target audience might use.

  1. Optimize Product Listing for Search Terms

Once you have identified the primary and secondary keywords, incorporate them into your product listing to improve its discoverability. Here's how:

Optimization AreaKey Points
Product Title
  • Incorporate essential keywords in your product title to improve visibility and relevance. Keep the title clear, concise, and representative of your product.
  • Product Description
  • Craft a detailed and compelling product description that integrates your keywords naturally.Communicate the unique selling points of your product and emphasize its value to potential buyers.
  • Backend Search Terms
  • Utilize the "backend search terms" section in Amazon Seller Central to include additional relevant keywords.They are not visible to customers but help associate your listing with relevant searches.
  • Note: Understanding and optimizing for search intent is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor search trends, adapt your keywords as needed, and refine your listings to maintain relevance and stay ahead of the competition.

    6. You Have Poor Inventory Management

    Poor inventory management practices can lead to stockouts, excess inventory, lost sales, and dissatisfied customers. Continuously monitoring your inventory levels is crucial to run a successful Amazon store. This practice will help you observe patterns and make informed decisions. 

    Solution: Consider Using Amazon FBA

    Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) allows you to store your products in Amazon's fulfillment centers. This means that Amazon will take care of storage, packing, shipping, and customer service for your orders. Choosing FBA has multiple advantages:

    • Amazon takes care of fulfillment, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
    • Your products become eligible for Prime shipping, increasing customer trust.
    • FBA automates order processing, shipping, and returns, which could improve your overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

    The use of Amazon FBA comes with associated fees. You need to weigh the benefits against the costs and decide whether FBA is the right strategy for your business. Consider factors like the type of products you sell, your target audience, and your storage needs.

    Accelerate Your Business Growth With Seller Interactive

    Amazon selling is indeed a tough business. It requires dedication, knowledge, and strategic decision-making. It's a challenging environment with relentless competition and ever-evolving dynamics. 

    Nevertheless, armed with the right tools, resources, and expertise, you can navigate any obstacles if your product is not selling on Amazon. By applying the tips above, you will soon taste the victory of closing a sale.Do you want to boost your sales? Seller Interactive has a team of expert Amazon consultants who can help you with Amazon account management. Contact us today.

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    Unlock the Potential of Amazon SFP for Your Business

    If you're unsure or unsatisfied with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), you'd want to look into the benefits of Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP). In a constantly changing environment like ecommerce, it always makes sense to diversify how you do business.

    Among the options available, Amazon SFP can play a pivotal role in ensuring your business thrives in the dynamic market. If your business cannot afford to hit potential slumps and economic setbacks, why not consider switching from FBA to Amazon SFP? We'll tell you why and how in this article.

    What is Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)?

    Seller Fulfilled Prime is a fulfillment option offered by Amazon for third-party sellers who want to sell with the Amazon Prime badge straight from your warehouse. With SFP, you have the freedom to choose premium shipping solutions and have full control of your inventory and order fulfillment. 

    SFP vs. FBA: How is Amazon SFP (Seller Fulfilled Prime) Better than FBA?

    Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime is only one of the two ways to sell on Prime. There is also FBA, which you may have initially considered. So why consider SFP as a good alternative? Here are some reasons SFP may be a better option for your business: 

    woman making a choice with two smartphones

    The Prime badge entitles you to sell products to Amazon Prime members.

    With a Prime badge, you can sell your products to over 200 million buyers. This badge indicates that you're qualified to provide fast and convenient shipping of their orders. Prime customers expect fulfillment and delivery to happen within 1-2 days.

    What's more, they are eligible for free shipping, which non-Prime orders can't enjoy. If you can address your Prime customers’ need for convenience this way, SFP can be a massive advantage for you. Before you know it, the millions of visitors on your product page will convert into sure buyers.

    You can store your products in your own or a third-party warehouse.

    In the FBA program, Amazon takes care of everything—from packing and picking up your products, delivering them to your customer's doorsteps, and providing customer service.

    It's a convenient fulfillment option for many online sellers, but there's a downside: you have zero control over your inventory once you ship them to an Amazon fulfillment center. Your stock can suffer accidental handling damages, which may be subject to reimbursements from Amazon

    But with the Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime program, it's your own warehouse and, therefore, your rules. You can do the entire order fulfillment process yourself or employ reliable and experienced staff to do this for you. With your direct involvement or knowledge of the product, you can also provide a more helpful and personalized customer service experience.

    You're saved from paying steep storage fees because you don't use the FBA warehouse.

    Amazon FBA sellers think they can just sit back and relax as Amazon does everything for them. They could not be more wrong. Of course, such convenience comes at a cost. And if they are not careful, they will be spending more on FBA than profiting from it.

    For one, FBA fees are subject to change at any time. Letting Amazon handle your inventory when it goes stale, or business is slow is impractical. Why? Because stock sitting in their fulfillment center for longer than six months incurs a long-term storage fee.

    Storage fees are the least of Amazon SFP retailers' worries. Although fulfilling orders independently is much more work on your part, you don’t have to pay fees for storage, upkeep, and fulfillment. Your profit margin also increases as a result.

    You focus solely on the inventory stored in your own warehouse/s.

    Your control over your inventory depends on where you're storing them. Sending them to Amazon's warehouses means you have nothing to pull from when you want to sell on another channel or run flash sales on your website. If you need them back, you can always recall them from Amazon, but fees apply.

    This wouldn't be a problem in the first place if you store your stock in your own warehouse. It's particularly advantageous if you have a physical store, are active on other e-commerce platforms, and are expecting an influx of orders from a sales event.

    Your chances of winning the “Buy Box” increase.

    Did you know that Amazon sellers have to compete to get the Buy Box feature on their product page? Winning the Buy Box depends on your performance in 14 areas—the second most important is the fulfillment method.

    About the Buy Box
    clicking on the amazon buy box buy now
    The Buy Box is that prominent white box on the right side of Amazon's product detail page. It presents the buyer with what the platform considers the best deal but is not necessarily the cheapest option. It distinguishes a product from the rest, addressing the issue of overwhelming choices for buyers.

    Not all sellers are eligible to win the Buy Box, and you also have to compete for it.

    If you are a Seller Fulfilled Prime Amazon seller, you have priority over Fulfillment by Merchant sellers because of premium shipping services. FBA sellers also enjoy this advantage.

    2 people holding an amazon package

    Customers who order from you enjoy quick delivery speed, which helps boost your brand's reputation.

    Customers who get their orders fast are happy customers. In turn, happy customers become loyal customers. Some studies prove this:

    • A 2022 Marketing Profs study revealed that 53% of customers cancel or abandon their purchase because the delivery was too slow.
    • 62% of online US customers consider fast delivery as the most significant aspect of a good customer experience, according to a 2019 study from Insider Intelligence.
    • About 67% indicated a willingness to pay more for same-day delivery of packages needed at a specific time.
    • And according to this 2022 study from PWC, 41% of online buyers are more than willing to pay extra for same-day delivery. 

    A Few Cons

    No program is not without its disadvantages. Here are some areas where Seller Fulfilled Prime needs to catch up:

    Self-fulfillment responsibilities can be stressful.

    Offering free two-day shipping to your buyers means that (1) you will be responsible for paying their shipping fees, and (2) you will have the added stress of fulfilling your promise of quick delivery.

    Since you need to buy your packing slips from Amazon, you must access Amazon and go through the process. This may prove tedious if your system is not directly integrated with the platform's API.

    Failure to comply with the policies can cost your Prime badge.

    You have to see to it that your warehouse and self-fulfillment processes can meet the shipping targets imposed by Amazon. Failure to do so can cost you your Prime badge. Some sellers have reported negative profits, forcing them to quit SFP.

    Amazon SFP puts you on a waiting list.

    Applying for SFP includes sitting on a waitlist and undergoing a Prime trial period to prove that you meet the requirements. During this period, your products will not have a Prime badge yet. Only when you pass will the Prime badge be shown on your enrolled ASINs, and you'll be automatically registered in SFP.

    FBA has the upper hand in this aspect. Once enrolled in the program, you're automatically eligible for Amazon Prime. There's no need for a waiting list or a trial period. Amazon also shoulders the burden of one or two-day free shipping, but it comes with a price (and a hefty one, that is).

    a back shot of an amazon seller fulfilled fulfilled prime truck

    How can you join Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime?

    If you finally decide to sell on Amazon SFP, here are the requirements:


    Currently, Amazon is not accepting new registrations for this program. However, a waitlist is open for those interested to join. So if you plan on registering once the sign-ups open, these requirements must be met.

    • You must have an Amazon Professional Seller account.
    • You must have Premium Shipping options available to your customers.
    • Not less than 99% of your products must be shipped on time.
    • Your order cancellation rate must be less than 0.5%.
    • Amazon Buy Shipping must be the shipping service provider for 99% of your orders.
    • Delivery of SFP orders must be through SFP carriers supported by Amazon.
    • Utilize shipping methods that accommodate weekend delivery and pickup.
    • You must agree to and comply with Amazon's return policy.
    • You must let Amazon deal with all customer service inquiries.
    • All Amazon Prime offers must be available for nationwide delivery coverage.
    • You must promise one-day delivery for at least 20% of your products and two-day delivery for at least 55%.

    Getting Started

    As mentioned, you must go through a trial period before becoming a full-fledged Amazon SFP seller. Depending on your performance, it can be as short as five days or as long as 90 days. Among other things, the platform looks at the delivery speed, tracking rate, and cancellation rate. 

    Once you pass this trial, Amazon will automatically enroll you in the SFP program and give your enrolled ASINs your Amazon Prime badge.

    The Benefits of Selling on Amazon Prime

    Whether you're an Amazon SFP or Amazon FBA seller, here are other reasons for selling on Amazon Prime that can drastically change the course of your ecommerce journey. 

    Prime shoppers are the ones who come to you.

    On Amazon Prime, customers voluntarily come to you rather than the other way around. Prime members are loyal members of the Amazon marketplace. That's because they get to enjoy these perks:

    Top-Notch Shipping Services

    Prime offers FREE and FAST shipping services for qualified purchases. It offers one- and two-day shipping on eligible orders. Prime subscribers can also get two-hour delivery for free if their zip code is included in the Prime Now list.

    Regarding specific rates, Amazon allows shipping for as low as $7.99 per item every Saturday. For standard shipping, the waiting period is only 4 to 5 business days.

    Unlimited Streaming

    Prime users can enjoy unlimited movies, TV episodes, and music streaming. They may access Amazon Channels like HBO, SHOWTIME, and STARZ. It also has Twitch Prime, which is perfect for avid gamers.

    Shopping Galore

    • Prime shoppers can get exclusive savings from Amazon's Whole Foods Market with 2-hour delivery in select cities. 
    • Prime shoppers can earn 5% back when they shop at Amazon.com and Whole Foods Market using the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature card.
    • Prime shoppers can get seven days to try the items in the Prime Wardrobe at home before purchasing them. 

    Reading Benefits

    Prime subscribers who love to read can borrow various reading materials from the Prime Reading catalog. They also get early access to download new books for free every month.

    Other Benefits

    • Amazon allows two adults in the same household to share particular Amazon Prime benefits.
    • Prime users can also enjoy unlimited photo storage using Amazon Photos.

    As an Amazon seller, you will have exclusive access to Prime's ready-to-buy customer base, which possesses high purchasing power, thanks to the rewards buyers can avail of for their membership.

    Amazon markets you.

    Amazon does the marketing for you. When you visit Amazon Prime's website, its homepage displays all the benefits its subscribers can enjoy. There is also the lure of free and speedy delivery service.

    Prime buyers pay more.

    Besides having strong purchasing power, Prime subscribers are willing to pay more. They have no qualms about spending a monthly membership fee of $14.99 or an annual fee of $139. On average, Prime members spend $1400 on Amazon yearly, twice that of non-Prime members.

    You have more chances to get your products featured.

    You will have a chance to win the Buy Box by default.

    In a Nutshell: How Amazon SFP Can Help Your Business Thrive

    If you want to appeal to Amazon Prime customers and have flexible shipping options to withstand ecommerce challenges, a Seller Fulfilled Prime account may be your best bet. By leveraging the SFP program, you can tap into a vast customer base that wants fast and reliable shipping.

    Additionally, Amazon SFP gives you control over your fulfillment process while meeting Prime standards. Living up to the platform's and customers' expectations can increase your brand's visibility, engagement, credibility, customer trust, and business growth.

    Undoubtedly, Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) offers a strategic advantage in securing your business's success on the dynamic platform. With Amazon Prime having every benefit you could ever want as a seller, it's now up to you to push your products on the market!

    Still Taking the Amazon FBA Route? Streamline Your Process and Become a Successful Seller With Seller Interactive!

    If you've decided to continue using or exploring the FBA program, you can always rely on professionals from Seller Interactive. We can handle everything, such as Seller Central account management, warehousing, fulfillment, and logistics for you with our Amazon FBA wholesale partnership program.
    To better understand which option works best for your business, feel free to leverage the expertise of our highly experienced Amazon account managers, who can help you navigate your situation.

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    Understanding Amazon CPC: A Guide for Beginners

    Amazon CPC (cost per click) is a popular advertising option on the platform. With the increasing competition on Amazon, understanding what CPC is, how it works, how to determine bid prices and ad placement, and how to make the most of your total ad spend are crucial for a successful ad campaign. The knowledge can help you stand out and increase your sales.

    This guide is designed to provide a basic understanding of Amazon CPC and equip beginners like you with the knowledge to start advertising and driving sales on Amazon. So, keep reading!

    CPC on a laptop

    Amazon CPC: A Brief Explanation

    Cost-Per-Click (CPC) refers to the cost you pay each time potential customers click your paid ads. It is a statistic that applies to all forms of advertising, including text, graphics, and videos. CPC also applies to advertising on search engines, display ads, and ads on other platforms like social media and websites. 

    This measure is vital for your Amazon PPC campaigns as it reflects whether the costs you pay for the clicks are worth it. You should be reaching your target audience and getting sales.

    The Ins and Outs Amazon CPC Bidding

    Launching ad campaigns on Amazon is similar to participating in an auction. To display your ad, you must bid on keywords and know how much to bid. The more optimized your biddings are, the higher the chance you’ll reach customers that will click through your ads and eventually buy.

    Because CPC pricing is based on keyword targeting, more popular terms tend to cost higher per click. Hence, be wise with your budgeting. Allot a higher budget to keywords that will bring your ads to the customer searches with the highest buying intent.

    CPC Calculation

    CPC/Cost-per-click is the average amount paid for each ad click. It is calculated this way: total cost of clicks/total clicks. A large number of clicks on an ad indicates that the ad is attracting client attention. However, it is the sales that show a more critical number. When your CPC is proportionate to your sales, your Amazon ads work.

    Maximum CPC

    A brand’s maximum cost-per-click is the highest bid you are prepared to pay for keywords to get a good ad placement. Amazon seldom spends the maximum budget set by sellers, so the actual CPC will typically be significantly lower than the first bid.

    Manual CPC Bidding

    Once you have determined your maximum cost-per-click, you must select whether to employ manual or CPC bidding. Manual cost-per-click bidding entails determining unique bid amounts for the keywords you want your ads to be placed on.

    Automatic and Enhanced CPC Bidding

    Enhanced cost-per-click bidding is an automated bidding used on Amazon to alter your bid based on the campaign’s conversion. It is an alternative to manual cost-per-click bidding in which you can specify the total budget and then automate the bids.

    Amazon PPC Tips and Strategies to Lower CPC

    A low CPC always goes hand-in-hand with how well you do your Amazon pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Only when your PPC ads are optimized for the algorithm and attractive and informative enough for potential customers will they rank, get clicks, and improve conversion rates. 

    So here’s how you can manage your Amazon PPC well to generate as many sales as possible while maintaining a low CPC. Let's check!

    1. Utilize the Amazon Learning Console

    The Amazon Learning Console is made to kickstart your way into a PPC Campaign. Whether it's your first time launching an Amazon ad campaign or you need a knowledge refresher, the course will guide you into Amazon CPC ads. It will help you navigate your way through the Amazon advertising platform. 

    The Amazon Learning Console will walk you through Amazon's different sponsored ad types. From Sponsored Product ads, Sponsored Brand ads, Sponsored Display, and Amazon Store, the knowledge will help you determine the best model for your marketing strategy. You can also optimize your campaigns, maximize your ad spend, and save money on CPC. 

    A woman reading on her laptop

    2. Read Through the Amazon Brand Guidelines. 

    The Amazon Brand Guidelines are a set of rules created by Amazon for sellers who are looking to venture into Amazon product ads. As a newbie to Amazon PPC campaigns, you should read this document before starting.

    The document outlines several rules for any Amazon PPC campaign, specifically for typeface and sizing, logo and imagery graphics, and technical specs. For instance, a seller is highly discouraged from including Amazon logos on any of their ads, nor are they allowed to promote discounts without an Amazon legal review.

    In general, this rule book allows Amazon to maintain a certain standard for any product ad that appears on their platform, so sellers should take a peek at it before launch to avoid any issues later affecting the continuity of ads or the pause thereof.

    3. Be Smart About Your Amazon PPC Campaign Structure

    Amazon PPC Campaign Strategy is crucial to reach more shoppers and increase conversion rates. You know your strategy works if you can maintain excellent performance for an extended period.

    To start, make sure you do your calculations ahead of time. Analyze and calculate your search term bids, determine how much you will spend for your campaign, and adjust/change your keywords based on their profitability. There are three primary spending factors that you should be aware of:

    • Your product's price;
    • The estimated conversation rates of the product
    • The product's Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS).

    Once you have all these things written down, take the time to assess how much your default bids and ACoS will be. Overall, keeping an organized campaign structure will help you make fewer adjustments after launch and increase your campaign's chances of success.

    4. Focus Your Efforts on Optimizing Ad Keywords

    Take advantage of Amazon's automatic campaign to ensure that your low target ACoS is achieved while you are getting more sales. In this campaign type, Amazon makes your ad appear on search results where the algorithm thinks you’ll get more sales.

    You can determine which keywords have the best product conversion rate through an auto-campaign. You can then switch to a manual campaign to bid higher on keywords that are giving you sales.

    Another strategy is to test keywords related to your products. Most Amazon PPC businesses focus on bidding for either general high-volume keywords or the exact keywords of their products, but this may not always be the best route. Experimenting with other relevant keywords can be a stepping stone to gaining unprecedented ad traffic.

    5. Make Bid and Budget Changes Only When Necessary

    Do not make impulsive budget decisions. Creating a budget change 2 to 3 days after launching your first Amazon PPC campaign does not help you understand the full extent of your ads' potential and limits your understanding of how your product ads can be optimized.  

    Give your campaign at least a week or two before making any budget changes to ensure adequate data is available for your budget analysis. It may even take a month before keyword optimization data shows up for manual campaigns, so make sure to allow any relevant PPC data to mature.

    A man browsing Amazon’s Deals and Promotions page on his computer

    6. Go After Top-Performing ASINs for Product Targeting

    Search and target competitor brands with high traffic or views. In this way, you will have a chance to be seen alongside the most popular categories related to your brand. How do you know which brands or products have many views? In the search terms report, filter the clicks and click-through-rate (CTR) columns from highest to lowest.

    You can also target categories that complement yours for more chances of sales. For example, if you are selling sportswear, you can target it with the category which offers gym equipment or energy drinks.

    7. Target Product Listings That You Can Outperform or Vice Versa

    You have a better chance of increasing your conversion rate when you place ads on ASINs you can outperform. Look for a listing with a higher product price but a lesser quality offer than yours. You can get these details from the search terms reports. Filter the ASINs and search for the following criteria:

    • Products with a higher price than you
    • ASINs with lower ratings
    • Products with a fewer number of reviews

    On the contrary, the Item Comparison report can also show the ASINs selling products that were bought instead of yours. You can also target those to give you a second chance to sell your product against the ASINs that outperformed you. 

    8. Target Products Purchased With Yours

    It is not only the search terms report you should give attention to. You may also gather ASINs from the Market Basket Analysis and Item Comparison reports. You need to be a member of the Amazon Brand Registry to be able to do this. 

    You can find the products purchased with yours in the Market Basket Analysis report. Try targeting these again to replicate the scenario, but this time, your ad will be displayed in the "Sponsored Products related to this item" section. Thus the term "market basket." 

    9. Stop Showing Your Ad to the Wrong Audience

    Prevent your ads from showing on search terms unrelated to yours, also called "Negative ASINs." These keywords increase CPC costs but lower your conversion rate. Adding negative keywords allows you to pay a lower CPC, lower your average CPC, and lower your ACoS because it keeps you from spending on clicks that will never convert.

    Again, you can find it in the search terms report. In Amazon Seller Central, the negative targeting feature has a section where you can add Negative ASINs.

    Manage Your Amazon CPC Ads With Seller Interactive

    Understanding Amazon CPC is crucial for any seller or vendor looking to advertise on the platform. We hope to have provided you with a basic understanding of what CPC is, how it works, and how to optimize their PPC campaigns. 

    By utilizing Amazon's resources and following best practices for a low CPC, sellers can reach potential customers and increase their sales while keeping their ad budget efficient. 

    Seller Interactive can provide you with a comprehensive Amazon full account management services for Amazon CPC to ensure your advertising campaigns achieve maximum success.

    Book a call with us today.

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