What You Need to Know About Amazon Marketplace Protection

Amazon brand protection services

Last updated on June 5th, 2023

Written by faith

It’s no secret that Amazon continues to be the top online marketplace even after over 25 years. However, it’s also not a surprise that scammers, fraudsters, and identity thieves are coming along to ride on the world’s largest online retailer. As an Amazon seller, it’s best to know how to deal with these constant challenges because these hijackers can make an impact on your sales. The good thing is that honest and trusted Amazon sellers can now get Amazon Marketplace protection to safeguard your brand and products from the rising number of unscrupulous online buyers and sellers.

What is Amazon Marketplace protection?

Amazon hijackers and counterfeiters like to target legit sellers through black hat practices. And without enough protection, your brand can be put to risk. An Amazon brand protection program is something that you should invest in so you can closely monitor your brand against these malicious entities.

You’ve already worked hard to build your business in the marketplace, that’s why you must have a well-thought-out brand protection strategy. You may use the Amazon Brand Registry as part of your Amazon brand protection solution. The Amazon Brand Registry gives you full control over the presentation of your products online. As the official brand owner, you can also create an Amazon request that delists product listings that are not under your brand.

Registering to the Amazon Brand Registry can also allow you to make another Amazon request that involves the merging of other listings with the same product as yours. It lets your brand and products be more professional and have high-standard representation, thus, allowing for more sales and better customer ratings. 

There’s so much more to just putting your products out and letting customers know about your presence in the marketplace. Continue reading and you’ll find out why building a good Amazon brand protection program can benefit you in the long run.

Benefits of Amazon Marketplace protection

Using Amazon Brand Registry as part of your brand protection strategy allows you to access tools that can help you better represent your brand, find and report violations, and share information to prevent future marketplace violations.

Accurate Brand Representation

The Brand Registry lets you take control of Amazon product pages that use your brand. It means that buyers are now seeing correct and more accurate information about your brand and the products you’re selling.

Improved Marketplace Visibility

Your brand will now be more visible to a larger Amazon buyer community, especially if it's protected and has followed the marketplace community policies. In addition, you can also list your products through AWS (Amazon web service) Marketplace as part of your Amazon brand protection solution. AWS Marketplace has search tools which can organically expose your other relevant products to potential buyers.

Access To Search And Report Tools

Working with an Amazon marketing services agency that handles brand protection and assistance can give you access to powerful search and report tools. Hence, it will be easier for you to find potential hijacking or infringement cases that Amazon can take action on.

In addition, a good Amazon brand protection program can also help implement additional preventive measures against fraud, and remove potentially bad listings that may affect your online ratings.

Higher Amazon Rankings

Building your Amazon brand protection solution has a domino effect on your brand. An effective brand protection strategy can help filter out bad buyers. It can get you better customers that lead to more brand loyalty, thus, improving your overall performance metrics. This will result in a higher Amazon ranking and more business growth opportunities. 

The Conclusion

Though they’re present everywhere, there are a lot of ways to keep these hijackers, counterfeiters, and unscrupulous Amazon members at bay. They should never affect your brand’s reputation, especially now that you have access to effective Amazon Marketplace protection. 

In times like this, you can count on the expert guidance and tactical solutions of Seller Interactive. Let us help secure the growth of your business online as we vigilantly monitor your brand activities and spot the malicious sellers, all while applying immediate measures under Amazon guidelines. Consult with us today to start with your Amazon marketplace protection.

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